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How many nautical miles from Tampa to Belize?
Flight distance from Tampa to Belize City (Tampa International Airport – Philip S. W. Goldson International Airport) is 807 miles / 1298 kilometers / 701 nautical miles.
How many nautical miles from Tampa to Cancun?
Distance between Tampa, FL (TPA) and Cancún (CUN) Flight distance from Tampa to Cancún (Tampa International Airport – Cancún International Airport) is 550 miles / 886 kilometers / 478 nautical miles.
How far apart are Tampa Bay and Orlando?
There are 77.16 miles from Tampa to Orlando in northeast direction and 84 miles (135.18 kilometers) by car, following the I-4 E route. Tampa and Orlando are 1 hour 20 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop . This is the fastest route from Tampa, FL to Orlando, FL. The halfway point is Polk City, FL.
How long does it take to sail from Tampa to Belize?
The journey, including transfers, takes approximately 3 days 6h. What is the distance between Tampa and Belize City?
How many nautical miles from Tampa to Cozumel?
Distance between Tampa, FL (TPA) and Cozumel (CZM) Flight distance from Tampa to Cozumel (Tampa International Airport – Cozumel International Airport) is 583 miles / 938 kilometers / 507 nautical miles.
How far is it from Florida to Mexico by boat?
it is 527.09 Miles or if you prefer its 848.25 Kilometres between the two and even if you make a round trip its one third less than 1500 (thats 500 in case you are wondering)!!
What city is halfway between Tampa and Orlando?
The best city between Tampa, FL and Orlando, FL to meet is Auburndale, Florida which is about 7 miles from the exact midpoint. The town that marks the exact halfway point is actually Polk City, Florida.
How many nautical miles from Key West to Belize?
Flight distance from Key West to Belize City (Key West International Airport – Philip S. W. Goldson International Airport) is 642 miles / 1032 kilometers / 557 nautical miles.
Can you take a boat from Florida to Belize?
Belize – and an ideal way to get a first taste is a visit via cruise ship. You can find plenty of departure points in Florida that get you there. The Florida climate is similar to the climate in Belize, so pack as if you were just going there.
Is there a ferry from Florida to Cancun?
Unfortunately, there are no ferry services that run from the United States to the Yucatán Peninsula. There used to be a ferry service that went from Florida to Cancun but was discontinued due to operational and navigation factors.
How far is Canada from Florida by car?
Florida is located around 4681 KM away from Canada so if you travel at the consistent speed of 50 KM per hour you can reach Canada in 93.64 hours.