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What is the antonyms and synonyms of old?

What is the antonyms and synonyms of old?

ˈoʊld) (used especially of persons) having lived for a relatively long time or attained a specific age. Antonyms. junior inexperienced young immature youngness mature majority. centenarian aged over-the-hill of age grey.

What are two antonyms?

Some examples of antonyms created by adding the prefix dis- are:

  • Agree → disagree.
  • Appear → disappear.
  • Belief → disbelief.
  • Honest → dishonest.

What’s a word for old?

Some common synonyms of old are ancient, antiquated, antique, archaic, obsolete, and venerable.

What are 2 antonyms for happy?

antonyms for happy

  • depressed.
  • disappointed.
  • disturbed.
  • down.
  • grave.
  • melancholy.
  • miserable.
  • not happy.

What is the opposite old?

Antonym of Old Word. Antonym. Old. Young, Modern. Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is the best antonym for old?

antonyms for old

  • inexperienced.
  • contemporary.
  • current.
  • fresh.
  • late.
  • modern.
  • recent.
  • up-to-date.

What are 2 synonyms for old?


  • aged.
  • ancient.
  • antediluvian.
  • antiquated.
  • antique.
  • archaic.
  • hoary.
  • old.

What are 5 antonyms for the word big?

big(adjective) Antonyms: small, little, minuscule, miniature, minute, tiny. Synonyms: sizeable, huge, jumbo, ample, massive, large.

What is the opposite brave?

Antonym of Brave

Word Antonym
Brave Cowardly, Afraid
Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is the opposite of not old?

What is the opposite of old?

young youthful
ageless callow
immature infantine
kiddish minor
preteen raw