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What is another word for bosom friend?

What is another word for bosom friend?

In this page you can discover 9 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for bosom-friend, like: bosom-buddy, intimate friend, best-friend, pal, close friend, dear friend, confidant, companion and soul-mate.

What is the means of bosom?

1a : the human chest and especially the front part of the chest hugged the child to his bosom. b : a woman’s breasts regarded especially as a single feature a woman with an ample bosom also : breast a woman’s bosoms.

What does fast friend mean?

Filters. (often in the plural) Any of a group of friends who are often in each other’s company, and appear to be inseparable.

What is a Bussum?

The bosom is the breast or chest area of the body. It is also poetically considered to be the place where our feelings reside. Used as a verb or noun, bosom originates from the Old English word bosm, meaning “breast, womb, surface, or ship’s hold.” It is commonly used as a polite reference to a woman’s breasts.

How do you use bosom in a sentence?

Twisting in the cramped space, he got on his knees and leaned forward, bringing his head down to her bosom.

  1. She held the child to her bosom.
  2. She pressed him to her bosom.
  3. Her ample bosom wobbled as she laughed.
  4. She held him tightly to her bosom.
  5. She cradled the child to her bosom.
  6. They were bosom friends.

What is the antonym of bosom?

Opposite of a woman’s chest or breasts. exteriority. outside. body. physicality.

How do you use the word bosom?

Where is a person’s bosom?

the breasts of a woman. the part of a garment that covers the breast. the breast, conceived of as the center of feelings or emotions. something likened to the human breast: the bosom of the earth.

What’s up pal meaning?

a person you know well and regard with affection and trust. verb. become friends; act friendly towards. synonyms: chum up, pal up.

What’s the difference between a best friend and a close friend?

A close friend is someone you rely on and can trust, but a best friend is a person with whom you share everything. The key distinction is that level of friendship shared by two best friends is greater than two close friends.

Is bosom plural or singular?

bosom ​Definitions and Synonyms

singular bosom
plural bosoms

What is the meaning of welled up?

To gradually or steadily flow upwards or outwards so as to begin to fill or overflow something. Oil was welling up out of the borehole. As soon as I heard news of his death, tears started to well up in my eyes.