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How many points are bagels on Weight Watchers?

How many points are bagels on Weight Watchers?

Only 3 points per bagel!

How many Weight Watchers points is a whole wheat bagel?

Each bagel has 150 calories, zero grams trans fat and a whopping nine grams of fiber for a POINTS value of 2. Our 100% Whole Wheat Bread is made simply from 100% whole wheat for a classic wheat taste.

How many points is an Einstein bagel?

Menu Group

Menu Item Serv Pts+
Albacore Tuna Salad on Multigrain Sandwich 10.2 oz 14
Ancient Grain Bagel 1 bagel 7
Ancient Grain Thin Bagel 1 Thin 5
Apple Cinnamon Bagel 1 bagel 12

How many WW points are mini bagels?

1 WW SmartPoints
Their alternative bagelettes (mini bagels) are 1 WW SmartPoints. What is this? During the fall season they sell Alternative Pumpkin Bagelettes which are my favorite.

How many WW points is a sesame bagel?

Menu Items Calories (kcal) Points®* (orig)
Salt 320 6
Sesame Seed 360 7
Gourmet Bagels Calories (kcal) Points®* (orig)
Asiago 370 7

How many WW points is a Costco hot dog?

A Costco Food Court Hot Dog & Soda contains 42 Weight Watchers Freestyle Points, 42 WW SmartPoints and 25 WW PointsPlus.

How many WW points is a Costco chocolate muffin?

Not sure if these are the ones you’re referring to or not, but sounds like they should be left at Costo! 690 calories, 38g fat, 3g fiber = 16 points for 1 muffin! You can find a whole host of Costco foods listed at

How many points is a regular bagel?

Menu Items Calories (kcal) Points®* (orig)
Thintastic Bagels Calories (kcal) Points®* (orig)
Plain 160 3
Whole Wheat 160 2
Everything 180 3

How many weight watcher points is cream cheese?

Food List

Meats, Fish & Other Proteins Weight Watchers One Point Foods Serv Size Orig WW Pts
Cream cheese, fat free 4 tbsp 1
Cream cheese, light 2 tbsp 1
Cream cheese, regular 1 tbsp 1
Dannon Yogurt, light n fit 4 oz 1

How many points is a cinnamon raisin bagel?

If you happen to be following the WW plan, you can count 5 points for each bagel on any color plan. Eat 2 Ingredient Cinnamon Raisin Bagels just like you’d enjoy a regular bagel.

How many WW points is a mini bagel?

Their alternative bagelettes (mini bagels) are 1 WW SmartPoints.