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What is the full meaning of hidden?

What is the full meaning of hidden?

Hidden is the past participle of hide. 2. adjective. Hidden facts, feelings, activities, or problems are not easy to notice or discover. Under all the innocent fun, there are hidden dangers, especially for children.

What is the name of the hidden part?

The hidden part, made of tissues, blood vessels and nerves, is known as pulp.

What is the meaning of Eden?

1 : paradise sense 2. 2 : the garden where according to the account in Genesis Adam and Eve first lived. 3 : a place of pristine or abundant natural beauty.

What is hidden words with examples?

Hidden words

  • I’ll call the plumber to fix the bath (find the name of a fruit) ;the answer is ‘plum’
  • The clock needs to be repaired (part of the body) ;the answer is ‘knee’
  • This is a tulip I got for my mother (name of an animal) ;the answer is ‘pig’ Twitter Share.

What does heathen nation mean?

1 old-fashioned + often disparaging : of or relating to people or nations that do not practice Christianity, Judaism, or Islam : of or relating to heathens (see heathen entry 2 sense 1), their religions, or their customs : pagan heathen rituals. 2 old-fashioned + disapproving : strange, uncivilized. heathen.

What is it called when something has a deeper meaning?

When you need a word that’s deeper than “deep,” consider profound. A philosopher is likely to make many profound pronouncements. Profundus literally means “deep” in Latin, and profound had the same meaning when it entered English in the 14th century.

What does secret hidden word mean?

adjective. kept hidden or separate from the knowledge of othersRelated adjective: cryptic. known only to initiatesa secret password. hidden from general view or usea secret garden. able or tending to keep things private or to oneself.

Is Eden a girl name?

What Does Eden Mean? The name Eden means “place of pleasure and delight.” It is a magical, peaceful name with biblical roots and Hebrew origins. Gender: The name Eden is more often used as a girl’s name but it is gaining popularity for boys too.

How many words are in a husband?

86 words can be made from the letters in the word husband.

Who were the heathen in the Bible?

(in historical contexts) an individual of a people that do not acknowledge the God of the Bible; a person who is neither a Jew, Christian, nor Muslim; a pagan. Informal. an irreligious, uncultured, or uncivilized person. of or relating to heathens; pagan.