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What are some characteristics of a moist unstable air mass?

What are some characteristics of a moist unstable air mass?

What are characteristics of a moist, unstable air mass? Cumuliform clouds and showery precipitation. If an unstable air mass is forced upward, what type clouds can be expected? Clouds with considerable vertical development and associated turbulence.

What type of weather does stable air create?

Stable air means that the weather is likely to be calm. It may rain or snow slowly and steadily, it may be sunny, but the weather will not change quickly. Unstable air means that the weather might change quickly with very little warning.

What is a typical characteristic of a stable air mass?

Air mass having a stable stratification in its lower layer, and consequently free from convection, having a low degree of turbulence, and containing either stratiform clouds, fog, or no clouds at all.

What is a moist unstable air mass?

To be “unstable”, the lowest layers of an air mass must be so warm and/or humid that, if some of the air rises, then that air parcel is warmer than its environment, and so it continues to rise. This is called moist convection.

What causes stable and unstable air?

To be “unstable”, the lowest layers of an air mass must be so warm and/or humid that, if some of the air rises, then that air parcel is warmer than its environment, and so it continues to rise. This is called moist convection. This is called a stable airmass.

How can air rise when it is stable?

Air that has a tendency to sink is known as a stable air. If the air parcel’s temperature is greater than the temperature of the surrounding air mass, the air parcel is less dense and tends to rise.

Which weather condition can be expected when moist air flows?

Which weather condition can be expected when moist air flows from a relatively warm surface to a colder surface? A) Fog.

What are the characteristics of stable air quizlet?

Explanation: characteristics of stable air: stratiform clouds, continuous precipitation, smooth air, poor visibility. A and B are incorrect because of the following characteristics of unstable air: cumulus clouds, showery precipitation, turbulence, good visibility.

Which weather condition should you expect when flying near cumulus clouds?

If you will be flying with cumulus clouds, you might expect: A bumpy flight with good visibility.

What does it mean if air is stable or unstable quizlet?

what does it mean if air is stable or unstable? If a rising parcel of air is cooler than the surrounding atmosphere it will tend to sink back to its original position. This is because cool air is more dense or heavier than warmer air. This is referred to as stable air.