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How early can you graze lucerne?

How early can you graze lucerne?

Graze first when in full flower. Earlier grazing or mowing may be necessary if weed competition has been severe or if a dry spell sets in. It may also be necessary to graze undersown lucerne in winter/spring if the cereal crop is dense and early sown.

Can lucerne be grazed?

Lucerne, also known as the ‘queen of forages’ is one of the most nutritious forages available for cattle. It can either be directly grazed or fed to cattle as hay and silage.

Can cows eat lucerne hay?

Lucerne can be included in feed for horses, cattle, sheep and goats as a source of fibre or to aid in consumption of the feed. If the hay is of good quality, lucerne can be included in the diets of sows at up to 15%.

When can you cut lucerne for hay?

The optimal time to cut lucerne is when 5-10% of the plants are flowering (early bloom). At this moment more than half of all plant should have a new sprout coming from the crown. When aimed for the maximal quality, harvest occurs in pre-bloom or late-bud stage.

How deep do you sow lucerne?

sow lucerne seed 5-10 mm deep into a moist seedbed with narrow points to create a furrow. aim for accurate seed placement using narrow points and modified boots. use a seed-covering device such as press wheels which improve establishment. apply wetter to water-repellent sands to improve moisture absorption.

What is the best fertilizer for lucerne?

Lucerne requires phosphorus and nitrogen at sowing to aid strong establishment. Single super phosphate at 250-300 kg/ha or M.A.P or D.A.P fertiliser at 80-100 kg/ha is recommended to be drilled with the seed.

Is lucerne hay good for gardens?

Lucerne: Lucerne bales are great to use as mulch on your conventional garden beds. They add much needed nitrogen to your soil and are will assist in holding moisture as the weather warms up. Another advantage to using Lucerne on your conventional garden is that it breaks down quite quickly.

Is lucerne bad for cattle?

Lucerne is especially beneficial to animals when it’s harvested at an early growth stage, ie. when it has the highest amount of protein and the lowest amount of fiber. Harvesting Lucerne as hay is a nutritious source of feed for your cows.

When should I rake lucerne?

Lucerne swaths should be raked into windrows as soon as the hay is well wilted. There should be no sign of water on the surface, but still enough moisture for the leaves and stems to be strong and pliable.

How do you graze in lucerne?

Lucerne grows by using its root re- serves to produce shoots from the crown at the base of the plant. Once these shoots are mature, the plant replenishes its root reserves. 2. Lucerne stands should be rotationally grazed with typically a 5-7 day graz- ing period and then a 35-42 day re- growth period in spring.

How often do you cut lucerne?

Grazing/cutting It should be rotationally grazed for long-term persistence, whether grown as a pure stand or in mixed swards. It should be grazed off in 1-2 weeks followed by spelling for 4-8 week – depending on time of year and winter activity level of the cultivar used.

How deep do you plant lucerne?

A full range of machinery types can be used from air seeders to combines; the critical factor is the correct seeding depth. The very small lucerne seed needs to be placed accurately at 0.5-1cm deep into moist soil. Maximise seed-soil contact by using press wheels or a rubber tyred roller.