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How do you abbreviate staff sergeant?

How do you abbreviate staff sergeant?

Staff sergeant (SSgt) is E-5 in the U.S. Air Force. It ranks above senior airman and below technical sergeant.

How do you abbreviate military ranks?

U.S. Army

  1. General | GEN How to Abbreviate Military Ranks. Lieutenant general | LTG. Major general | MG. Brigadier general | BG.
  2. Lieutenant colonel | LTC. Major | MAJ. Captain | CPT.
  3. Sergeant major of the Army | SMA. Command sergeant major | CSM. Sergeant major | SGM.
  4. Sergeant first class | SFC. Staff sergeant | SSG. Sergeant | SGT.

What is TSG in military?

The Office of the Surgeon General led by The Surgeon General (TSG), is the Special Medical Adviser of the Secretary of National Defense and of the Chief of Staff, AFP on all medical and health matters affecting the AFP.

How do you write your military rank and name?

Capitalize a military rank when used as a formal title before an individual’s name. On first reference, use the appropriate title before the full name of a member of the military. In subsequent references, do not continue using the title before a name. Use only the last name.

What is the abbreviation of General?

Army and Air Force

Rank DND / CF writing non- DND / CF writing
General Gen Gen.
Lieutenant-General LGen Lt.-Gen.
Major-General MGen Maj.-Gen.
Brigadier-General BGen Brig.-Gen.

Is it spelled Sargent or sergeant?

“Sergeant” is a noun that refers to a rank in a military or police organization. Due to its pronunciation, some people misspell it as “sargent.” But the correct spelling is always sergeant, with an “e” in the first syllable and an “ea” in the second one.

How do you abbreviate major general?

Use this table to find the appropriate abbreviation for the following service’s rank: Air Force, Army, Marines, Navy & Coast Guard….Army.

Commissioned Officers
O-8 major general Maj. Gen.
O-7 brigadier general Brig. Gen.
O-6 colonel Col.

How do you abbreviate first sergeant?

In the United States Army, since 1958, the rank of first sergeant (abbreviated 1SG) is considered a temporary rank in E-8 paygrade, ranking above sergeant first class (SFC), and below sergeant major (SGM) or command sergeant major (CSM).

What is a SP5 in the army?

SGT / SP5. Sergeant or “Buck Sergeant” / Spec.

What does Sgt t mean?

It means Sergeant (Temporary). The person has been promoted to the temporary rank of sergeant.

What’s the abbreviation for contractor?

Acronym Definition
GC Government Contractor
GC Gonococcus
GC German Club
GC Grand Circle

What is the abbreviation for Reverend?

The usual abbreviations for Reverend are Rev., Revd and Rev’d.