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What is the term that we use to describe a prohibition on publishing information in a news release?

What is the term that we use to describe a prohibition on publishing information in a news release?

Prior restraint is a form of censorship that allows the government to review the content of printed materials and prevent their publication.

Can the government prevent the publication of material that is critical of its policies?

Can the government prevent the publication of material that is critical of its policies? No, because this sort of publication is protected by freedom of the press.

What is prior restraint in simple terms?

Definition. In First Amendment law, prior restraint is government action that prohibits speech or other expression before the speech happens. .

What happens if you break embargo?

Breaking an embargo is typically considered a serious breach of trust and can result in the source barring the offending news outlet from receiving advance information for a long period of time.

What does embargoed until mean?

Embargo. An embargo is an agreement between a source and a media outlet that information—often contained in a press release—will not be published until a predetermined time. Venture funding announcements are often disclosed to journalists “under embargo.”

What does the constitutional doctrine of prior restraint prohibit?

What is the doctrine of prior restraint? Constitutional doctrine that prevents the government from prohibiting speech or publication before the fact; generally held to be in violation of the 1st Amendment.

What does no embargo mean?

3 : stoppage, impediment especially : prohibition I lay no embargo on anybody’s words — Jane Austen. 4 : an order by a common carrier or public regulatory agency prohibiting or restricting freight transportation.

What is embargo policy?

Abstract Embargo Policy. An embargo means that information from any abstract or presentation is confidential and may not be announced, publicized, or distributed before the embargo date and time.