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What is the top edge of a container called?

What is the top edge of a container called?

Finish: The top part of the container, above the neck, shaped to accommodate a specific closure. Historically, the finish was made during the last part of the bottle molding process, which is how it got its name.

What is an insurance policy specification?

Specifications — a detailed description of the coverage types, amounts, and policy provisions submitted to an insurer to use in preparing a proposal. Insurance specifications also typically include the underwriting data the insurer will need to price the required coverages.

What is lid in container?

A lid, also known as a cover, is part of a container, and serves as the closure or seal, usually one that completely closes the object. Lids can be placed on small containers such as tubs as well as larger lids for open-head pails and drums. These are usually irreversible to indicate that the container has been opened.

What is a small tool for boring holes called?

A gimlet is a hand tool for drilling small holes, mainly in wood, without splitting. It was defined in Joseph Gwilt’s Architecture (1859) as “a piece of steel of a semi-cylindrical form, hollow on one side, having a cross handle at one end and a worm or screw at the other”. A gimlet is always a small tool.

What is a centered celestial object?

This means any point within it, including that occupied by the observer, can be considered the center. The celestial sphere can be considered to be centered at the Earth’s center, the Sun’s center, or any other convenient location, and offsets from positions referred to these centers can be calculated.

Why are lids called lids?

Re: Why a “lid” The term came from the practice of breaking up a brick (a kilo or later a ‘key’) of tightly packed marijuana and storing and selling it in Price Albert tobacco cans. A can held approximately one ounce, the lid would hold approximately/8 oz.

What is once around a track?

3 letter answer(s) to once around the track LAP.

What is auger bit?

auger, tool (or bit) used with a carpenter’s brace for drilling holes in wood. It looks like a corkscrew and has six parts: screw, spurs, cutting edges, twist, shank, and tang. Expansive auger bits have adjustable blades with cutting edges and spurs that can be extended radially to cut large holes.

What is the state of being free from danger?

noun, plural safe·ties. the state of being safe; freedom from the occurrence or risk of injury, danger, or loss. the quality of averting or not causing injury, danger, or loss.

What are different types of lids?


  • CONTINUOUS THREAD. Continuous thread caps can be metal or plastic and have various liner options.
  • LUG CAPS. Also know and Twist Off (T/O) caps, lug caps are compatible with containers whose threads are non-continuous.
  • TUB LID.

What is former Ember?

The crossword clue Former ember with 3 letters was last seen on the May 08, 2017. We think the likely answer to this clue is ASH.