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What is an advantage of making the margin narrower?

What is an advantage of making the margin narrower?

Results in less words to read on a page. Results in a page with more white space. Results in small font.

What is the shortcut key that repeats the last task Ctrl S Ctrl Y Ctrl A?

Most of us know about [Ctrl]+Z, the keystroke shortcut for the Undo command (on the Edit menu and the toolbar). Simply press [Ctrl]+Z to undo your last action(s). But you might not realize that there’s an equally convenient counterpart to this keystroke. Pressing [Ctrl]+Y repeats your last action.

What is the default paper size in Microsoft Word quizlet?

The default size of paper used to print Word 2016 documents. It is 8.5 x 11. A list used in Word 2016 to organize data using numbers.

What page orientation has more room across the page quizlet?

Landscape lets you put more across the page.

How do you increase profit margin?

How to Increase Your Profit Margins

  1. Avoid markdowns by improving inventory visibility.
  2. Elevate your brand and increase the perceived value of your merchandise.
  3. Streamline your operations and reduce operating expenses.
  4. Increase your average order value.
  5. Implement savvier purchasing practices.
  6. Increase your prices.

What is the shortcut key that repeats the last task?

Redo an action To redo something you’ve undone, press Ctrl+Y or F4. (If F4 doesn’t seem to work, you may need to press the F-Lock key or Fn Key, then F4). If you prefer to use the mouse, click Redo on the Quick Access toolbar.

What’s one way to fit more words on a page in a Word document?

Press Ctrl+A to select all the text in your document. Click Home > Shrink Font one or more times. As you click Shrink Font, Word decreases the size of every font in your document.

How do you display a ScreenTip?

You can add a ScreenTip as you add a hyperlink by following these steps:

  1. Press Ctrl+K.
  2. Click on the ScreenTip button.
  3. In the ScreenTip Text box, enter the text you want to use for your ScreenTip.
  4. Click on OK to close the dialog box.
  5. Set any other hyperlink values, as desired.
  6. When completed, click on OK.

What are the 4 steps for planning a table?

The 4 Steps of Strategic Planning Process

  1. Environmental Scanning. Environmental scanning is the process of gathering, organizing and analyzing information.
  2. Strategy Formulation.
  3. Strategy Implementation.
  4. Strategy Evaluation.

Which keys would you press to move the insertion point to the cell indicated by a?

Arrow keys: You can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the insertion point. The left and right arrow keys will move between adjacent characters on the same line, while the up and down arrows will move between paragraph lines. You can also press Ctrl+Left or Ctrl+Right to quickly move between entire words.