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How many soldiers names are on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial?

How many soldiers names are on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial?

The two 200-feet-long walls contain more than 58,000 names. The names are listed in chronological order by date of their casualty and begin and end at the origin point, or center, of the memorial where the two walls meet.

How are the names on the Vietnam War memorial arranged?

HOW ARE THE NAMES LISTED? The names are not listed alphabetically, but rather chronologically by date of death or by date of missing in action, beginning and ending in the center where the two walls meet.

Do they still add names to the Vietnam memorial?

Names are still being added to the memorial. When the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was first dedicated in 1982, Lin’s wall contained the names of 57,939 American servicemen believed to have lost their lives in the Vietnam War. In order to be added, a deceased soldier must meet specific U.S. Department of Defense criteria.

How many Vietnam Moving walls are there?

A: There are two replica versions of The Vietnam Veterans Memorial that tour the United States regularly. The first of them which is called The Moving Wall, has been traveling the country for almost twenty years. You can find their schedule HERE.

What are the two years listed on the Vietnam Memorial?

At the dedication in 1982, there were 57,939 names inscribed on the Memorial. As of May 2021, there are 58,281 names. These are names of military personnel who died in the Vietnam war zone between 1956 and 1975. (1959 and 1975 are the years inscribed on The Wall.

What army division has the most casualties in Vietnam?

This article displays the highest percentage of casualties of American units, uncluding those that were totally wiped out as a efective force….US units with most casualties per conflict.

Unit 1st Cavalry Division
Conflict Vietnam War
Deployment Aug 1965 – Aug 1972
Total 32,036

What do the diamonds mean on the Vietnam Wall?

Status Changes Beside each name on the Memorial is a symbol designating status. The diamond symbol denotes confirmed death. The cross represents missing in action. When a service member’s remains are returned or accounted for, the diamond is superimposed over the cross.

Why was the design of the Vietnam memorial disliked?

Some in the military saw the somber tone of the memorial as anti-war. “The problems they saw were that it wasn’t celebratory, that it made fighting and dying in an American war seem tragic,” says historian Kristin Haas.

What are the two years listed on the Vietnam memorial?