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Is Rocky Road an element compound or mixture?

Is Rocky Road an element compound or mixture?

All matter can be classified as either a substance or mixture. A substance is an element or a compound. A mixture is heterogeneous or homogeneous….

Type of matter Substance Mixture
Oxygen E
Carbon dioxide C
Rocky road ice cream M HETEROGENEOUS
Alcohol C

Is a rock a pure substance or mixture?

Chemists can classify matter as solid, liquid, or gas. But there are other ways to classify matter, as well — such as pure substances and mixtures. Classification is one of the basic processes in science. All matter can be classified as either a pure substance or a mixture.

What is a substance of Rocky Road ice cream?

One of the boldest ice cream flavors around is Rocky Road! Eggs yolks, cream, milk and sugar are mixed with rich cocoa powder and melted chocolate. The chocolate is enhanced by vanilla extract and a healthy pinch of salt creating a flavor that is almost naturally malt-like.

What is steel mixture or pure substance?

Steel is a homogeneous mixture, however it is made from iron and carbon. A pure substance is different from a homo- geneous mixture because a pure substance has only one component.

What type of mixture is rock?

Rock is a solid mixture of crystals of one or more minerals, or organic matter. Rocks are classified by how they are formed, their composition, and texture.

What is steel mixture or substance?

Steel is a homogeneous mixture, however it is made from iron and carbon. A pure substance is different from a homo- geneous mixture because a pure substance has only one component. It has a homogeneous look. It has unique properties that characterise it, for example , its density.

Why is rocky road called that?

In 1929, William Dreyer used his wife’s scissors to cut up marshmallows and walnuts, which he then mixed into his chocolate ice cream. Later that year, when the stock market crashed, the name of the flavor became Rocky Road, “to give folks something to smile about.”