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What type of spectrum does a hot dense gas produce?

What type of spectrum does a hot dense gas produce?

continuous spectrum
A hot, dense gas or solid object produces a continuous spectrum with no dark spectral lines. A hot, diffuse gas produces bright spectral lines (emission lines) A cool, diffuse gas in front of a source of continuous radiation produces dark spectral lines (absorption lines) in the continuous spectrum.

Does a low density hot gas produces a continuous spectrum?

A low-density, hot gas produces a continuous spectrum. A low density gas must be hot in order to produce an absorption line. A cool, thin gas produces absorption lines. Molecular spectra, like elemental ones, involve only the vibration of the particles.

What type of spectrum is given off by a radiating low pressure gas?

A low density, hot gas seen against a cooler background emits a BRIGHT LINE or EMISSION LINE spectrum.

What type of spectrum is produced when the light emitted directly from a hot dense object?

The source of light must be a hot, dense object, such as the bulb shown in the figure above. That light should pass through a cool, low-density cloud to produce an absorption spectrum. There are dark lines in the absorption spectrum that represent missing light.

What is a low density gas?

Gases have a very low density because their particles are very far apart; for example, air has a density of 0.0013 g/cm3.

What is spectrum and its types?

When electromagnetic radiation is passed through a prism or grating it is split up and forms a collection of lines representing different wavelengths. This is called spectrum. The spectra can be divided into two types viz., emission and absorption spectra.

What is the Sun’s observed spectrum?

The full electromagnetic spectrum. The spectrum of the Sun appears as a continuous spectrum and is frequently represented as shown below. This type of spectrum is called an emission spectrum because what you are seeing is the direct radiation emitted by the source.

Which of these produces a classic continuous spectrum?

Which of these is the classic continuous spectrum? An incandescent light (glowing tungsten filament) produces: a continuous spectrum, with the peak giving the temperature of the filament.

What is continuous spectrum and line spectrum?

A continuous spectrum consists of all wavelengths within a certain range. In contrast, a line spectrum only consists of a few wavelengths. This spectrum is made of a few colored lines on a dark background. The lines in spectra are caused by electrons moving in between energy levels.

What type of spectrum is produced when the light emitted directly from a hot dense object quizlet?

Describe in detail the source of light and the path the light must take to produce an absorption spectrum. A hot dense energy source such as light passes through a cool dense cloud and has some energy absorbed, then passes through a prism and shows us an absorption spectrum.

What type of spectrum if any would be produced if the light emitted by a hot atomic gas was passed through a prism?

Radiation Laws. First Law: A hot solid, liquid, or dense gas emits radiation at all wavelengths (“a continuous spectrum of radiation”). For example, a perfect blackbody does this. If the light were passed through a prism, you would see the whole rainbow of colors in a continuous band.

Why does a gas have low density?

The particles in gases are very far apart, so gases have a very low density.

What kind of spectrum is a low density gas?

A low density, hot gas seen against a cooler background emits a BRIGHT LINE or EMISSION LINE spectrum. A low density, cool gas in front of a hotter source of a continuous spectrum creates a DARK LINE or ABSORPTION LINE spectrum.

What kind of spectrum does a hot gas produce?

A hot, dense object produces a continuous spectrum(blackbody spectrum). A hot, low-density gas produces an emission-line spectrum. A cool, dense gas produces an absorption-line spectrum. The Interaction of Light & Matter Light & Matter can interact in a number of different ways:

What kind of light does a gas emit?

1 A luminous solid, liquid, or dense gas emits light of all wavelengths. 2 A low density, hot gas seen against a cooler background emits a BRIGHT LINE or EMISSION LINE spectrum. 3 A low density, cool gas in front of a hotter source of a continuous spectrum creates a DARK LINE or ABSORPTION LINE spectrum.

What are the emission lines of the spectrum?

Second Law: A thin hot gas in front of a cooler background emits radiation at a discrete set of isolated wavelengths. These discrete, isolated wavelengths are called the “emission lines” of the spectrum, because if you were to pass the radiation through a prism, you would see isolated lines of different colors.