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How do you spell bow as in bow to the Queen?

How do you spell bow as in bow to the Queen?

curtsey Add to list Share. A curtsey is a feminine version of a formal bow, a head-dipping, knee-bending gesture of greeting. A woman might curtsey when meeting a Queen.

How do you spell bow before the king?

Bow (A Gesture of Respect) Verb: The knight bowed before the king. Less frequently, “bow” can refer to the front part of a ship. For example: The bow of the ship cut through the waves.

How do you spell bowing down?

: to show weakness by agreeing to the demands or following the orders of (someone or something) I will bow down to no one. The government is refusing to bow down to pressure to lift the sanctions.

What is it called when you bow down to someone?

To respect someone or something, and to show respect. admire. respect.

How do you spell bow as in?

to usher (someone) with a bow (usually followed by in, out, etc.): They were bowed in by the footman. to cause to bend; make curved or crooked. an inclination of the head or body in salutation, assent, thanks, reverence, respect, submission, etc.

How do you spell bow as a name?

Bow is an English surname. It is also a given name.

Why are bow and bow spelled the same?

Heteronyms are a type of homograph, which is a word that is spelled the same as another word but has a different meaning. This meaning of the word bow is derived from the Old English word bugan, which means to bend. Bow may also mean the front part of a ship.

What bowed down?

1. bowed down – heavily burdened with work or cares; “bowed down with troubles”; “found himself loaded down with responsibilities”; “overburdened social workers”; “weighed down with cares” loaded down, overburdened, weighed down.

What is a bow down Queen?

v. 1. To bend the head or the top part of the body forward as a sign of respect: The loyal subjects stood before the throne and bowed down to the king and queen.

How do you bow down?

Clench your hands at your sides, but not too tight. Bow with your waist, not your neck. Bend at the waist, but keep your back straight. Open your hands as you bend.