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What is a rev Code 761?

What is a rev Code 761?

Revenue code 761 is for a treatment room and should not be used in place of an observation room.

What is revenue Code 942?

942. Other Therapeutic – Cardiac Rehab.

WHAT IS THE REV code for surgery?


Revenue Code Description
110 Room and board
111 Medical/Surgical/Gyn
112 OB
113 Pediatric

What is revenue Code 450 used for?

Commonly Billed Services

Revenue Code Description Payment Status
450 Emergency room: general classification ER All-Inclusive Payment
0250 Pharmacy Included in ER All-Inclusive Payment
030x Laboratory Not included in ER All-Inclusive Payment
0730 EKG/ECG Not included in ER All-Inclusive Payment

What is the Rev Code 278?

Revenue Code 278 – Other Implants.

What is Rev code?

Revenue codes are three-digit codes that affect reimbursement and represent the services provided by the ASC facility for a payer. When revenue codes are listed on claim forms, they are listed with a leading zero, making them four digits.

What is Procedure Code 300?

2012 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 300 : Anxiety, dissociative and somatoform disorders.

What is revenue Code 270?

* Revenue code 270 should be reported only once on the outpatient claim. It is to be reported for medical or surgical supplies or both combined. Observation room services.

Does rev code 278 require HCPCS?

Billed charges over $3,000.00 for revenue code 278 will require a vendor’s invoice to support supplies used that correspond to the services rendered. If no HCPCS code is appended to revenue code 278, it will be denied as a contractual obligation to the provider.

What is Procedure Code 301?


What is Procedure Code 250?

There are several ways revenue code 250 can be used for billing outpatient medications. The first pertains to billing for a covered medication which does not have a valid HCPCS or CPT code. In this instance, revenue code 250 may be billed without a corresponding code.

What is the CPT code for operating room?

Description. 360. Operating room services. Use CPT code (s) that describe operating room services rendered. 481. Cardiology cardiac cath lab. Use CPT code (s) that describe cardiology services rendered. 490. Ambulatory surgical care.

What is the Rev Code for the emergency room?

045X Emergency Room Rev Code Use to bill all surgical procedures performed in the emergency room. 049X Ambulatory Surgery Rev Code CPT/HCPCS required 0762 Observation Room Rev Code 082x–085x, 088x Dialysis Rev Codes

What is the Revenue Code for outpatient services?

Revenue Code Description; 500: Outpatient services (crossover only) 509: Other outpatient

What is the emergency room code for pulmonary function?

0450 – 0459 Emergency Room Code for visit or surgery procedure performed 0460 – 0469 Pulmonary Function Code for pulmonary function procedure performed 0471 Audiology Code for audiology service performed The Revenue Code and CPT/HCPCS codes must be compatible.