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Is Vite an English word?

Is Vite an English word?

Definition of ‘vite’ [‹ F: rapid, quickly, OF viste, of uncert.

What is the difference between Vite and Rapide?

→ rapide describes the train, it is an adjective. → vite describes the verb, the way the train goes, it is an adverb.

Is Vite a word in dictionary?

vite in American English [‹ F: rapid, quickly, OF viste, of uncert.

What number is vert?

English translation: freephone number (UK) / toll-free number (US)

French term or phrase: numero vert
English translation: freephone number (UK) / toll-free number (US)
Entered by: Julia Gal

Is Viet a word?

Viet is an ethnic term, of unknown linguistic origin, that dates from well before the common era. Nam is a Chinese word meaning “south.” The early Chinese histories refer to a kingdom called Nam Viet, the southernmost of Viets; there were also eastern Viets and several other Viets.

What does Veet Veet mean in French?

The Veet name was established in 1922 in the UK, vite meaning “quickly” in the French language. The name was used in some European countries but was not used universally.

Is Vite in French masculine or feminine?


masculin féminin
plus vite plus vites moins vite moins vites plus vite plus vites moins vite moins vites
le plus vite les plus vites le moins vite les moins vites la plus vite les plus vites la moins vite les moins vites

How do you use Vite in a sentence?

How to use vite in a sentence

  1. I was a-bout to say that Oz-ma sent us to wel-come you and in-vite you to come straight to the Em-er-ald Ci-ty. The Road to Oz|L. Frank Baum.
  2. It was already growing dark when a private carriage stopped at the door of a house in Via della Vite in Rome. The Saint|Antonio Fogazzaro.

What is Vite Vue?

Vite is a no bundler DEV environment for Vue. js, created by Evan You. Vite serves your code via native ES Module imports during development, allowing you to develop Vue. While Vite is primarily designed to work with Vue 3, it can also be used with other frameworks, including React.

What is a numero Vert in French?

A numéro vert or green number is essentially a free telephone helpline, the costs of which are covered by the state or the company receiving the call.

What does Vite mean in English?

I just Googled it and the definition of vite gives the following: adverb, Music. 1. briskly; lively. < French: rapid, quickly, Old French viste, of uncertain origin Given this I would say that a conductor or music teacher might sat”vite” to tell a performer to play more quickly.

What does Vitas mean?

VITAS stands for Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association. This definition appears somewhat frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Organizations, NGOs, schools, universities, etc. Business, finance, etc.

What is the definition of Vita?

The name Vita is of Latin origin. The meaning of Vita is “life”. Vita is generally used as a girl’s name.