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What is a pesticide simple definition?

What is a pesticide simple definition?

Pesticide law defines a “pesticide” (with certain minor exceptions) as: Any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest. Any substance or mixture of substances intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant, or desiccant.

What is a pesticide product?

Pesticide Product A pesticide is any substance “intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest.” Many people are surprised to learn that antimicrobials, herbicides, and bug repellents are all types of pesticides.

What makes a pesticide?

Pesticide products contain at least one active ingredient and other intentionally added inert ingredients. Inerts are chemicals, compounds, and other substances, including common food commodities (e.g., certain edible oils, spices, herbs) and some natural materials (e.g., beeswax, cellulose).

Which is a natural pesticide?

5 Naturally Occurring Pesticides. Nicotine (extracted from tobacco), Pyrethrum (extracted from chrysanthemum flowers), and Rotenone (extracted from the tuber Derris elliptica) are plant-derived, while pesticides like Boric Acid, Cryolite, and Diatomaceous Earth are mineral-derived.

What are examples of pesticides?

A. Examples of pesticides are fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides. Examples of specific synthetic chemical pesticides are glyphosate, Acephate, Deet, Propoxur, Metaldehyde, Boric Acid, Diazinon, Dursban, DDT, Malathion, etc.

Where do pesticides come from?

Up until the 1940s inorganic substances, such as sodium chlorate and sulphuric acid, or organic chemicals derived from natural sources were still widely used in pest control. However, some pesticides were by-products of coal gas production or other industrial processes.

Which one is a pesticide?

In general, a pesticide is a chemical (such as carbamate) or biological agent (such as a virus, bacterium, or fungus) that deters, incapacitates, kills, or otherwise discourages pests….Definition.

Type of pesticide Target pest group
Herbicides Plant
Insecticides Insects
Lampricides Lampreys
Miticides or acaricides Mites

What is pesticide and what are its uses?

Pesticides are chemicals that deter and eliminate certain pest populations including insects, rodents, fungi, weeds, and other animals. The agricultural industry relies heavily on the application of pesticides to protect crop yields from damage.

What are pesticides doing to people?

What Pesticides do to Your Body MEMORY LOSS: Research links low levels of pesticides to memory loss, damage to cognitive function and ability to process information and long-term memory. Organic Acid markers checking over 70 markers. INFERTILITY: Pesticides used on sugar cane farms and on golf courses have been detected in tap water.

What is classified as a pesticide?

The word “pesticides” is used to describe any substance that kills a pest, or reduces the damage a pest may cause. Pesticides are classified as insecticides for insects, rodenticides for rodents, herbicides for weeds, and fungicides for fungi, mold, and mildew control.

What pests do pesticides kill?

A systemic pesticide, which is incorporated into the soil or coated on seeds, may kill soil-dwelling insects, such as grubs or mole crickets as well as other insects, including bees, that are exposed to the leaves, fruits, pollen, and nectar of the treated plants.