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What was white flight quizlet?

What was white flight quizlet?

In the 1950s, millions middle class white Americans left the cities for the suburbs. At the same time millions of African American rural poor migrated to the cities. They so-called “White Flight” drained cities of valuable resources, money, and taxes.

What is effect of white flight?

White flight has a significant effect on suburban and city environments. As the white population moves to the suburbs, they tend to bring with them wealth and funding. This, however, leaves cities with vacant funding which tends to lead to an increase of poverty and crime.

Which of the following was the result of white flight quizlet?

Which of the following was a result of “white flight”? Racial tensions grew as minorities moved into houses in white working-class areas that were left vacant by whites that had left for the suburbs.

What was one effect of white?

One effect of white flight was urban decay. As populations decreased from cities into suburban areas, it changed how governments spent their money….

What is the difference between urbanization and suburbanization?

Suburbanization is a population shift from central urban areas into suburbs, resulting in the formation of (sub)urban sprawl. (Sub-urbanization is inversely related to urbanization, which denotes a population shift from rural areas into urban centres.)

How did the Korean War end quizlet?

The Korean War ended because the US, the People’s Republic of China, North Korea and South Korea agreed to an armistice. The US got involved because they wanted to contain the spread of communism and they did not want North Korea to have full control over the Korean Peninsula.

What was the primary aim for the United States in the Korean War?

What was the primary aim for the United States in the Korean War? Truman and his administration wanted a limited war focused on defeating North Korea and were willing to negotiate an armistice to restore the prewar border.

What was one effect of white flight answers?

What factors helped the suburbs grow?

The growth of suburbs resulted from several historical forces, including the social legacy of the Depression, mass demobilization after the War (and the consequent “baby boom”), greater government involvement in housing and development, the mass marketing of the automobile, and a dramatic change in demographics.

Why did families move to the suburbs in the 1950s?

Moving In. After the hardships and deprivations of World War II, the 1950s promised prosperity and a better life for many Americans. More families earned more money, bought cars, and bought or rented their own homes. Middle- and working-class families rushed to buy or rent homes in the new developments.

What causes suburbanization?

Suburbanization is caused by many factors that are typically classified into push and pull factors. The main push factors in encouraging suburbanization have to do with individuals feeling tired of city life and the perception that urban areas are overpopulated, over-polluted, and dirty.

What are the reasons for white flight?

More generally, some historians suggest that white flight occurred in response to population pressures, both from the large migration of blacks from the rural South to urban northern and western cities in the Great Migration and the waves of new immigrants from around the world.

What was one effect of white flight?

Effects of White Flight. The first effect of white flight was a decline in population in city centers and therefore a decline in tax revenue. Secondly, there was de facto segregation in schools. Quality of life declined for many people who lived in urban areas, and many cities saw an increase in urban blight.

What is the white flight?

World Facts. White flight refers to the mass movement of white people from racially mixed areas to the exurban and suburban regions that were more racially homogeneous.