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What is another name of cellar?

What is another name of cellar?

Cellar Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for cellar?

basement undercroft
vault catacomb
crypt subbasement
subterrane sub-basement
underground room below stairs

What do you mean by cellar?

1a : a room or set of rooms below the ground floor of a building : basement There’s storage space in the cellar. b(1) : a room for storing wines : wine cellar. (2) : a stock of wines a restaurant with an impressive cellar.

What is the same meaning of exactly?

precisely, entirely, absolutely, completely, totally, just, quite, in every way, in every respect, one hundred per cent, every inch, to the hilt. informal on the nail, bang on, spot on, to a T.

What is the synonym of typify?

Synonyms of typify as in exemplify, illustrate.

What is a word for lost in thought?

Compare Synonyms. engrossed. preoccupied. withdrawn.

Is cellar and basement the same?

The one telltale difference is the level this space is on. A true basement is below grade and can be half a level above the street. A cellar, on the other hand, is below ground. A basement may have windows.

What is cellar in American English?

cellar in American English (ˈsɛlər ) noun. 1. a room or group of rooms below the ground level and usually under a building, often used for storing fuel, provisions, or wines.

When everyone is exactly the same?

An egalitarian is a person who believes in the equality of all people, and an egalitarian society gives everyone equal rights.

What is the synonym of musty?

Some common synonyms of musty are fetid, fusty, malodorous, noisome, putrid, rank, and stinking. While all these words mean “bad-smelling,” fusty and musty suggest lack of fresh air and sunlight, fusty also implying prolonged uncleanliness, musty stressing the effects of dampness, mildew, or age.

What is kept in a cellar?

Certain crops lend themselves better to root cellar storage and winter eating than others. Such crops as potatoes, onions, shallots, beets, garlic, squash, carrots, cabbages, parsnips and turnips are at the top of the list.

What’s in the cellar?

Storing items such as wine in a cellar is a common use for this type of space. People also use cellars as storage areas for canned goods and other items. There are even cellars that are modified in order to provide shelter for the occupants of a home during severe storms.

What is the noun for cellar?

noun. 1 A room below ground level in a house, often used for storing wine or coal. ‘the servants led us down into a cellar’. More example sentences. ‘a wine cellar’. ‘Why do new Irish houses have no cellars or utility rooms?’. ‘Modernism got rid of attics, sheds, cellars and peripheral rooms.’.

What is a wine cellar called?

An aboveground wine cellar is often called a wine room, while a small wine cellar (fewer than 500 bottles) is sometimes termed a wine closet.