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What does this word mean approximately?

What does this word mean approximately?

Approximately has its roots in the Latin word proximus, meaning “nearly.” So, approximately means “about” or “close to.” If you tell someone there will be approximately seventy people at a dinner, it means you expect seventy people, though the actual number could be a little more or a little less than seventy.

Does Approximately mean more or less?

about; roughly; more or less: It’s approximately 25 miles from here to El Paso.

What does approximate mean in a sentence?

adjective. near or approaching a certain state, condition, goal, or standard. nearly exact; not perfectly accurate or correct: The approximate time was 10 o’clock.

What approx means?

Approx. is a written abbreviation for approximately. Group Size: Approx.

How can I use approximately?

We use “approximately” for numbers, for quantity, estimates again. For example, “Approximately, 50 people attended the event,” approximately.

How do you use approximately?

“Approximately” is an adverb meaning almost, roughly, not completely. It is usually used to modify an adjective. EXAMPLE: “There were approximately twenty people at the meeting.” In this sentence approximately modifies twenty which modifies people.

What does the term undernourishment mean?

English Language Learners Definition of undernourished : not getting enough food or not getting enough healthy food for good health and growth. See the full definition for undernourished in the English Language Learners Dictionary. undernourished. adjective. un·​der·​nour·​ished | \ ˌən-dər-ˈnər-isht \

Is it approximate or approximated?

verb (used with object), ap·prox·i·mat·ed, ap·prox·i·mat·ing. to come near to; approach closely to: to approximate an ideal. to estimate: We approximated the distance at three miles.

How do you use approximate in a sentence?

Approximate in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Because Jack did not want to place an exact figure on how much he was willing to spend, I asked him for an approximate ball park figure.
  2. Though I won’t know the actual cost of repair until I order the parts, the approximate cost to fix your car engine is $900.

What is the approximate value of?

Approximate Value is Doug Drinen’s method of putting a single numerical value on any player’s season, at any position , from any year (for now, it’s just any year since 1950). The full explanation…

What is the definition of approximate?

Use approximate in a sentence. adjective. The definition of approximate is a time or a tangible item which is close to something else but not exactly like it.

What is approximately time?

The definition of approximate is a time or a tangible item which is close to something else but not exactly like it. Stating that a play will start at 7:00 when it will actually start a few minutes after that is an example of the time of 7:00 being an approximate time.