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What was the palette used for?

What was the palette used for?

What was the palette used for? The object itself is a monumental version of a type of daily use item commonly found in the Predynastic period—palettes were generally flat, minimally decorated stone objects used for grinding and mixing minerals for cosmetics.

Which was the function of the palette of Narmer quizlet?

The palette of King Narmer is unique among surviving Egyptian artwork because it is important not only as a document marking the transition from the prehistorical to the historical period in ancient Egypt but also as a kind of early blueprint of the formula for figure representation that characterized most Egyptian art …

What is the Narmer Palette made of?

The beautifully carved palette, 63.5 cm (more than 2 feet) in height and made of smooth greyish-green siltstone, is decorated on both faces with detailed low relief.

Where is the palette of King Narmer?

The Narmer Palette is part of the permanent collection of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. It is one of the initial exhibits which visitors have been able to see when entering the museum….

Narmer Palette
Size c. 64 cm × 42 cm
Created 3200–3000 BC (circa)
Discovered 1897–1898
Present location Egyptian Museum, Cairo

What does the Palette of Narmer tell us?

The palette is carved of a single piece of siltstone, commonly used for ceremonial tablets in the First Dynastic Period of Egypt. The Narmer Palette is intricately carved to tell the story of King Narmer’s victory in battle and the approval of the gods at the unification of Egypt.

What is the motif of the King Narmer Palette?

The Narmer Palette, slate, Hierakonpolis, beginning of the 1st dynasty, c. 2925 bce; in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. Shown here is the palette’s reverse side, with a victory motif: King Narmer, wearing the crown of Upper Egypt, strikes down an enemy he holds by the hair.

What is the palette of King Narmer made of?

What was the purpose of the palette of Narmer?

A ceremonial object, ritually buried. The Palette of Narmer was discovered in 1898 by James Quibell and Frederick Green. It was found with a collection of other objects that had been used for ceremonial purposes and then ritually buried within the temple at Hierakonpolis. Temple caches of this type are not uncommon.

How tall is the palette of King Narmer?

Palette of King Narmer, from Hierakonpolis, Egypt, Predynastic, c. 3000-2920 B.C.E., slate, 2′ 1″ high (Egyptian Museum, Cairo) Vitally important, but difficult to interpret Some artifacts are of such vital importance to our understanding of ancient cultures that they are truly unique and utterly irreplaceable.

Where was the Narmer palette found in the temple of Horus?

The Palette, which has survived five millennia in almost perfect condition, was discovered by British archeologists James E. Quibell and Frederick W. Green, in what they called the Main Deposit in the Temple of Horus at Nekhen, during the dig season of 1897–98. Also found at this dig were the Narmer Macehead and the Scorpion Macehead.

How did King Narmer show his divine authority?

Narmer’s divine authority is shown by: two images of Hathor, the cow goddess, benevolently looking down on the scene, showing the status of Narmer as an equal (Narmer’s name, in early hieroglyphics is between the two images of Hathor.