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What Anne thinks about Peter?

What Anne thinks about Peter?

Peter admires that Anne is ‘… never at a loss for words: you say exactly what you want to say and aren’t in the least bit shy. ‘ Anne admires that Peter is willing to humble himself for the sake of peace, even when he knows he’s right.

How has Peter and Anne’s relationship changed during the second act?

In what way has Anne and Peter’s relationship changed in Act Two? They ignore each other, but secretly want to be friends. They seldom speak, but send messages through Margot. They have become friends and can talk to each other.

What does Peter say is the reason why he admires Anne?

What does Peter say is the reason why he admires Anne? Peter says he admires Anne because she speaks her mind no matter what other people think.

How does Anne and Peter’s relationship change over time?

Their relationship changes once Anne notices that Peter has special and tender feelings towards her. In her loneliness, she reciprocates the feelings, but only for a short time; her feelings towards Peter change again when she feels disappointed by him and by his passivity.

How would you describe the relationship between Peter and Anne?

The correct answer (sample response) is: Anne and Peter have a new, cautious relationship. Although Anne is very friendly, Peter is more shy. They are still learning about each other’s personalities.

How has Anne and Peter’s relationship change?

What does Anne mean when she mentions that Peter has two Anne’s before him *?

a split personality
What does Anne mean when she mentions that Peter “has two Anne’s before him?” She has a split personality. She knows he is secretly in love with Margot, who is quite similar to Anne.

What relationship did Anne and Peter share?

Luckily, they are still good friends by the end of it. At the beginning of their stay together, Anne and Peter were just two people who had to share the same living space. Their paths never overlapped at school because he was a few years older than her and had different friend groups.

What did father tell Anne about her relationship with Peter?

Mr. Frank tells Anne the relationship is inappropriate because she and Peter are living under the same roof. Father paused before answering: “No, I don’t think it’s wrong. But Anne, when you’re living so close together, as we do, you have to be careful.” He said some other words to that effect, and then we went upstairs.

What was the relationship between Anne and Peter van Daan?

Their paths never overlapped at school because he was a few years older than her and had different friend groups. They also had different personalities; while Anne is clever and loud and, at times, abrasive, Peter is quiet and reserved. Anne soon decides that Peter has no personality and becomes largely indifferent to him.

What did Mr Frank say to Anne Frank?

She asks Peter if he thinks she should tell her father about their relationship, and he believes they should. Mr. Frank says that he thinks it is not a good idea to carry on a romance in the annex, and he asks Anne if Peter is in love with her. Mr. Frank tells her not to take it too seriously and that it is her responsibility to show restraint.

What happens in the annex in Anne Frank’s diary?

Tensions in the annex run high after the break-in, and no one can shake the feeling of impending doom. On top of that, Peter forgets to unbolt the front door, so Mr. Kugler has to smash the window to get in. The air raids on the city are incredibly heavy.