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What did the Plateau First Nations eat?

What did the Plateau First Nations eat?

Food. The people of the Plateau relied primarily on hunting and trapping to acquire goods but also traded their fish, furs, tools and weapons. They hunted large animals using pitfall and deadfall traps, used bows and arrows for smaller prey and caught waterfowl with nets.

What type of shelter did the Plateau live in?

Plateau tribes lived in longhouses made from tule mats. Tule is a tall, tough reed that grows in marshy areas and is sometimes called bulrush. In the winter, they dug a shallow pit and built a roof with poles and covered them with tule mats or tree bark. In later years, canvas was used instead of tule mats.

What did Native Americans of the Northwest eat?

Salmon was a major source of food, along with other fish such as trout, halibut and herring, followed by acorns, hundreds of different plants, marine mammals (whales, otters, seals), bears, beavers, lynx, deer, and small game like rabbits and hares.

What did Native Americans eat in Arizona?

On the Arizona desert, the desirable food ingredients are found in edible parts of such indigenous plants as the mesquite (mes-KEET) tree, cholla (CHOY-a) and prickly pear cactus, as well as in tepary (TEP-a-ree) beans, chia (CHEE-a) seeds and acorns from live oaks.

Where did the plateau people get their food?

While the Plateau people were skilled hunters, the majority of their food came from the local rivers and lakes. Men were responsible for all the fishing. The single most important food to the survival of the Plateau people was the Pacific Salmon.

What kind of food did the American Indians eat?

Camas, a starchy root, was and still is an important food. The tribe also foraged for fruits and nuts such as blueberries, chokecherries, hazelnuts, huckleberries, pine nuts, and raspberries. Fruit was dried for winter use.

How did the salmon run affect the plateau people?

Salmon runs occurred when a huge volume Pacific Salmon from the ocean entered the interior rivers to spawn. It was in these rivers where the Plateau people were able to catch a large number of fish.

What kind of animals lived on the plateau?

The people of the Plateau also hunted smaller animals for furs and food such as: coyote fox raccoon porcupine marten weasel beaver marmot hare 1 coyote 2 fox 3 raccoon 4 porcupine 5 marten 6 weasel 7 beaver 8 marmot 9 hare