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What are the 4 main landforms in Africa?

What are the 4 main landforms in Africa?

Africa has eight major physical regions: the Sahara, the Sahel, the Ethiopian Highlands, the savanna, the Swahili Coast, the rain forest, the African Great Lakes, and Southern Africa.

What are the 4 main geographic regions of West Africa?

The West African region can be divided into four climatic sub-regions namely the Guinea Coast, Soudano-Sahel, Sahel (extending eastward to the Ethiopian border) and the Sahara, each with different climatic conditions.

Are there landforms in Africa?

Landforms of Africa, Deserts of Africa, Mountain Ranges of Africa, Rivers of Africa – Several smaller ranges are included, namely the High Atlas, Middle Atlas and Maritime Atlas. The highest peak is Mt. Toubkal in western Morocco at 13,671 ft.

What are three landforms in Africa?

Check out some of the most-impressive physical features found in Africa.

  • Victoria Falls. Victoria Falls.
  • The Namib. Namib desert.
  • East African Rift System. Kenya: Great Rift Valley.
  • Congo River. Congo River: hydroelectric dam at Inga Falls.
  • The Sahara. sand dunes.
  • Lake Victoria.
  • Ituri Forest.
  • Nile River.

What landscape makes up West Africa?

West Africa’s landscape is mainly flat with coastal plains in the west and south, especially in Senegal, the southern Ivory Coast, the Niger Delta and the lower valleys of the Volta and Niger rivers. The interior consists of a hilly low plateau with elevations below 500 m.

What are the major landforms in East Africa?

The physical geography of East Africa is dominated by the Great Rift Valley, which extends through the middle of the region from north to south. Associated with the rift valleys are vast savannas such as the Serengeti Plain, large lakes, high mountains, and the highlands of Ethiopia.

What are the 4 vegetation zones of West Africa?

These are the bioclimatic zones known as the Saharan, Sahelian, Sudanian, Guinean, and Guineo-Congolian Regions, shown in the map above. The lines between these regions represent more of a transition along a continuous ecological gradient than sharp boundaries.

What landform is the entire continent of Africa?

A huge plateau covers most of Africa. It rises inland from narrow lowlands along the coast. Except for the coasts of Mozambique and Somalia, much of the continent lies at least 1,000 feet above sea level. This plateau is Africa’s most prominent physical feature.

What are 3 major landforms in Africa?

Climate and Landforms of North Africa Atlas Mountains. The Atlas Mountains rise in the far west of North Africa and run for 1,200 miles from Agadir in Morocco, at the southwest end, to the Tunisian capital, Mountain Climate. Climate varies in the Atlas Mountains, mainly because they are formed from several sub-ranges. Sahara Climate. Sahara Landforms.

What are the physical features of West Africa?

The region of West Africa includes the southern portion of the bulge of the continent, which extends westward to the Atlantic Ocean. This region is bisected by the African Transition Zone, which borders the southern edge of the Sahara Desert. The main physical features include the Sahara Desert and the Niger River.

What is the culture of Western Africa?

West Africa forms the westernmost region of the African continent. People have occupied the area for thousands of years, and its population is ethnically diverse though culturally relatively similar. The beliefs of native cultures include Islam, Christianity and various traditional African religions.

What are the mountains in Africa?

The mountains are related to the East African Rift , and are in two chains, the Western Rift includes the Virunga Mountains, Mitumba Mountains, and the Rwenzori Range, while the mountains to the east include the largest peaks in Africa: the snow-covered Mount Kilimanjaro (5,895m, 19,340 ft), and Mount Kenya (5,199m,…