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Can a 14 year old go on antidepressants?

Can a 14 year old go on antidepressants?

Antidepressant drugs are often an effective way to treat depression and anxiety in children and teenagers. However, antidepressant use in children and teens must be monitored carefully, as rarely there can be severe side effects.

Can a 12 year old take antidepressants?

A Word From Verywell In general, antidepressants are safe and effective to treat depression and anxiety in children and teenagers, especially when combined with psychotherapy. 7 Also, keep in mind that antidepressant use is often temporary and may just be needed for a short time.

What antidepressants can 14 year olds take?

Of all the antidepressants, only fluoxetine (Prozac™) has been FDA approved to treat pediatric depression. For obsessive compulsive disorder in children and teenagers, FDA has approved only fluoxetine (Prozac™), sertraline (Zoloft™), fluvoxamine, and clomipramine (Anafranil™) .

Can a 15 year old get antidepressants?

The use of antidepressants is not usually recommended in children and young people under the age of 18. This is because there is some evidence that, in rare cases, they can trigger thoughts about suicide and acts of self-harm in this age group.

Does my child need antidepressants?

Your child may benefit from antidepressant medication if their symptoms of depression have any of the following effects on their daily life: dysfunctional behavior. challenges in relationships. difficulty taking care of basic needs.

What can a teenager take for anxiety?

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the most commonly prescribed medication for anxiety in children and teens….Types of Anxiety Medications for Teens

  • Prozac (fluoxetine)
  • Celexa (citalopram)
  • Zoloft (sertraline)
  • Lexapro (escitalopram)

Can a 14 year old take anxiety medication?

Some mental health professionals may recommend that teens take anxiety medication in conjunction with psychotherapy. For teens, medication may be prescribed in the short-term or the long-term, depending on the nature and severity of symptoms.

Do antidepressants Make You Fat?

Weight gain is a possible side effect of nearly all antidepressants. However, each person responds to antidepressants differently. Some people gain weight when taking a certain antidepressant, while others don’t.

Can I get antidepressants at 17?

Antidepressants may not be fully researched or clinically tested on people under 18 years old. This means there is less information available about the possible benefits and risks. If you are under 18 and your doctor prescribes you an antidepressant, they should be very careful about the dose.

Can you take antidepressants at 16?

Can 13 year olds go on antidepressants?

1 Fluoxetine should be the first antidepressant considered for prescribing in children and adolescents due to this antidepressant having the best evidence base available, whilst being licensed in those aged 8 years and over (4,5).

How old do you have to be to take antidepressants in the UK?

Not all antidepressants are licensed for use by people aged under 18 in the UK. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) produces guidelines on treating depression in children and young people.

Can a teenager take antidepressants for depression?

By Mayo Clinic Staff Antidepressant drugs are often an effective way to treat depression and anxiety in children and teenagers. However, antidepressant use in children and teens must be monitored carefully, as rarely there can be severe side effects.

Are there any side effects to taking antidepressants for kids?

However, antidepressant use in children and teens must be monitored carefully, as rarely there can be severe side effects. Antidepressants carry a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) black box warning about a risk of increased suicidal thinking and behavior in some individuals under the age of 25.

Do you have to take an antidepressant if you have depression?

Antidepressants are a popular treatment choice for depression. Although antidepressants may not cure depression, they can reduce symptoms. The first antidepressant you try may work fine. But if it doesn’t relieve your symptoms or it causes side effects that bother you, you may need to try another. So don’t give up.