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What is the visual examination of the bronchi?

What is the visual examination of the bronchi?

The visual examination of the bronchi of the lungs by the use of the bronchoscope which may be inserted into the oral or nasal cavities. The larynx, pharynx, and trachea may be visualized as the scope is passed to the bronchi. It may serve other purposes also.

What is the meaning of Bronchology?

[brong-kol´o-je] the study and treatment of diseases of the tracheobronchial tree.

What is a bronchial scope used for?

In flexible bronchoscopy, a doctor inserts a thin, bendable tube through the mouth or nose into the lungs. A light and a small camera on the bronchoscope allow the doctor to look inside the lungs’ airways. Bronchoscopy is a procedure that lets doctors look at your lungs and air passages.

What is bronchoscopy test?

A bronchoscopy is a medical test that lets doctors look into your lungs and airways. The procedure uses a thin tube with a small camera and light at the end. The doctor inserts it through your nose or mouth, down your throat, and into your lungs. Most of the time, the tube is soft and flexible.

What do you need to know about a bronchoscopy?

A lighted, flexible tube inserted into the windpipe to view the bronchi or withdraw fluid samples for testing. Bronchoscopy with a protected brush can be used in the diagnosis of lung abscess in severely ill patients. bron·cho·scope. An endoscope for inspecting the interior of the tracheobronchial tree.

What is the medical term for inflammation of the lungs?

Pneumopathy Medical term meaning disease of the lungs. Pneumonia or Pneumonitis Medical term meaning very serious inflammation of the lungs. pleura is a word root meaning the membrane lining the lungs and related organs. pleur/o is the combining form meaning the membrane lining the lungs.

What is the medical term for an incision in the trachea?

Tracheotomy Medical term meaning incision of the trachea. Tracheostomy Medical term meaning to form a new opening into the trachea. Tracheopharyngotomy is an incision into the trachea and the larynx. Endotracheal means inside the trachea or windpipe.

What does pneumon / O stand for in medical terms?

pne/o or -pnea is combining form and suffix meaning breathing. pneu/o is combining form meaning air. pneumon/o is combining form meaning lungs. Pneumoconiosis Is a lung disease caused by an excessive inhaling of dust.