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Which punctuation mark is placed between two independent clauses signaling an unstated connection between them?

Which punctuation mark is placed between two independent clauses signaling an unstated connection between them?

Semicolon ; Join independent clauses not joined by a comma and coordinating conjuction; Use before a conjunctive adverb to join Two independent clauses.

What three ways can you join two independent clauses?

There are three ways of joining independent clauses into a compound sentence: with a coordinating conjunction (one of the fanboys); with a semicolon; or. with a semicolon and a transitional expression.

What are the four types of comma interrupters?

What are the four types of comma interrupters? The types are parenthetical expressions, direct address, appositive, and two or more adjectives preceding a noun. What punctuation mark is used to interrupt and summarize?

How do you connect two independent clauses?

To combine two independent clauses (complete sentences), use a semicolon or a comma and conjunction. To attach a dependent clause, use a comma if it comes before the independent clause; use no comma if it comes after the independent clause, unless it is a “contrast word” (although, though, even though, whereas).

Where do linking marks appear?

Written English uses three linking marks: the comma, the semicolon, and the colon. The first two linking marks, the comma and the semicolon, are used to join independent clauses.

What is not a proper way to join two independent clauses?

(Note: Do not try to join two independent clauses with a simple comma. This error is called a comma splice. Furthermore, do not try to join two independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction alone, omitting the comma. This error is called a run-on.

How do you link a clause?

Clauses can be connected to form sentences by coordination, using a coordinating conjunction to connect two independent clauses, and by subordination, using a subordinating conjunction to attach a dependent clause to an independent clause.

What conjunction can be used to join two main clauses together?

Coordinating conjunctions
Conjunctions are joining words that link together parts of a sentence. The three main coordinating conjunctions are ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘or’. They can be used to join together two clauses in a sentence.

What marks can be used as interrupters?

Writers have three choices of punctuation to set off sentence interrupters—commas, parentheses, and em dashes. When interrupters fall midsentence, always use a pair of punctuation marks to surround them.

How do you use interrupters?

Interrupters are little thoughts in the middle of a thought, added to show emotion, tone or emphasis. When we use an interrupter in the middle of a sentence, it should be emphasized with commas. This is because without the use of commas, the flow of the sentence may be awkward for the reader.

What is a linking mark?

Linking marks, such as commas, semicolons, and colons, are used to join inde- pendent clauses or to indicate that a list follows an independent clause. Commas and dashes are used to indicate an interruption in the flow of thought.

What do the linking and reporting words show?

LINKING AND REPORTING WORDS Linking words, or ‘transition signals’, show the relationships between your information and ideas. They can show order, lists, comparisons and cause and effect. Using these words makes your writing much clearer for your reader, as they guide your reader through your writing, and tell your reader about the

How to use the linking mark in a sentence?

The old lamp was thrown away, so I rescued it and sold it for five hundred dollars! Select the sentence which has the correct linking mark. Reading a story by Edgar Allen Poe can be exciting, but one needs to have a love for the mysterious. Select the sentence which has the correct linking mark.

How are marks used to link independent clauses?

Terms in this set (16) Marks that are used within a sentence to connect independent clauses with another group of words are called marks. linking Linking marks signal the reader to pause, but not to stop when reading the sentence.

How to use linking, hedging and reporting words?

It should be …white, but…’ with a comma.  When using linking, hedging and reporting words and phrases, pay attention to the grammar so that your sentences are grammatically correct. 3. Emphasis and generalisations.  You need to be very careful of some words of in academic writing.