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What is the Ka value of phosphoric acid?

What is the Ka value of phosphoric acid?

7.1 * 10-3

Ka Acid Base
7.1 * 10-3 Phosphoric acid Dihydrogen phosphate ion
7.2 * 10-4 Nitrous acid Nitrite ion
6.6 * 10-4 Hydrofluoric acid Fluoride ion
1.8 * 10-4 Methanoic acid Methanoate ion

What is the pKa of phosphate?

The pKa of phosphate groups in DNA or RNA is 2 and gives a negative charge at neutral pH (pH=7).

What is the value of pKa for the acid?

pKa is the negative base-10 logarithm of the acid dissociation constant (Ka) of a solution. The lower the pKa value, the stronger the acid. For example, the pKa of acetic acid is 4.8, while the pKa of lactic acid is 3.8.

What is the pKa value?

In simple terms, pKa is a number that shows how weak or strong an acid is. A strong acid will have a pKa of less than zero. More precisely – pKa is the negative log base ten of the Ka value (acid dissociation constant). The lower the value of pKa, the stronger the acid and the greater its ability to donate its protons.

What is the pKa for carbonic acid?

The reported values for carbonic acid are pKa1 = 6.37 and pKa2 = 10.32.

Why does phosphoric acid have 3 pKa values?

Phosphoric acid H3PO4 has three dissociable protons (it is triprotic) thus three pKa values; 2.12, 7.21, and 12.32).

What is the pKa of NaH2PO4?


Non-Zwitterionic Buffer
Compound Formula pKa at 20 °C
Sodium Phosphate, monobasic NaH2PO4 (H2O)2 7.21
Sodium Phosphate, dibasic, anhydrous dihydrate dodecahydrate Na2HPO4 Na2HPO4 (H2O)2 Na2HPO4 (H2O)12 7.21
Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate NaHCO3 10.25

How do you calculate pH from pKa?

When the moles of base added equals half the total moles of acid, the weak acid and its conjugate base are in equal amounts. The ratio of CB / WA = 1 and according to the HH equation, pH = pKa + log(1) or pH = pKa.

What is a pKa value?

In simple terms, pKa is a number that shows how weak or strong an acid is. A strong acid will have a pKa of less than zero. More precisely – pKa is the negative log base ten of the Ka value (acid dissociation constant). It measures the strength of an acid — how tightly a proton is held by a Bronsted acid.

What is pKa vs pH?

The main difference between pKa and pH is that pKa indicates the dissociation of an acid whereas pH indicates the acidity or alkalinity of a system.

Do acids have high pKa?

Strong acids are defined by their pKa. The acid must be stronger in aqueous solution than a hydronium ion, so its pKa must be lower than that of a hydronium ion. Therefore, strong acids have a pKa of <-174.

What is the pKa value of H3PO4?

Phosphoric acid, H3PO4, is tribasic with pKa values of 2.14, 6.86, and 12.4.

What is the equation for the dissociation of phosphoric acid?

Dissociation of phosphoric acid and its proton balance equation. Phosphoric acid is a triprotic acid. It dissociates in solution in three steps as shown in the following formulas: H 3PO 4 + H 2O ↔ H 2PO 4 – +H 3O +.

What is the pKa of H2PO4?

The dissociation of H2PO4- to HPO4-2 has a pKa of 7.2. For a 0.2 M phosphate buffer at.

What is the pKa of HCl?

E.g., Hydrochloric acid, HCl has a pKa = -3 Acetic acid, CH3COOH has a pKa = 4.77 A strong acid is one which is largely, or completely, dissociated, and which therefore has a high Ka value (and low pKa).