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Who was the first person to be excommunicated?

Who was the first person to be excommunicated?

In January 1521, Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther. Three months later, Luther was called to defend his beliefs before Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms, where he was famously defiant. For his refusal to recant his writings, the emperor declared him an outlaw and a heretic.

What is the origin of excommunication?

The Latin root is excommunicare, meaning “put out of the community,” which is just what happens when a person is excommunicated. The term is used most often in churches whose traditions include the concept of communion, as another Latin meaning of excommunication is “to expel from communion.”

When did the Catholic Church excommunicate people in the Middle Ages?

In the mid-12th century, Pope Eugene III held a synod in order to deal with the large number of heretical groups. Mass excommunication was used as a convenient tool to squelch heretics who belonged to groups which professed beliefs radically different than those taught by the Catholic Church.

Why was Elizabeth excommunicated from the Catholic Church?

In 1588, Pope Sixtus V, in support of the Spanish Armada, renewed the solemn bull of excommunication against Queen Elizabeth I, for the regicide of Mary, Queen of Scots, in 1587 as well as the previously catalogued offences against the Catholic Church.

What does excommunicate mean in history?

By The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica | View Edit History. excommunication, form of ecclesiastical censure by which a person is excluded from the communion of believers, the rites or sacraments of a church, and the rights of church membership but not necessarily from membership in the church as such.

Was Castro excommunicated?

Fidel Castro is reported to have been excommunicated latae sententiae in 1962 for affiliating with the Communist Party of Cuba, preaching communism and supporting a communist government; the basis of the excommunication is supposed to have been the 1949 Decree against Communism of Pope Pius XII.

Why were there 3 Popes 1978?

1978 WILL be remembered as the year of the three popes. Pope Paul VI died from a heart attack on August 6th at the papal summer residence of Castel Gandalfo. Giovanni Battista Montini (80) had suffered from ill-health for some time. He was replaced by Albino Cardinal Luciani, who chose the name John Paul I.

What does excommunication mean Catholic?

In the canon law of the Catholic Church, excommunication (Lat. ex, out of, and communio or communicatio, communion , meaning exclusion from the communion), the principal and severest censure, is a medicinal, spiritual penalty that deprives the guilty Christian of all participation in the common blessings…

What does excommunicate mean?

excommunicate(Noun) A person so excluded. excommunicate(Verb) To officially exclude someone from membership of a church or religious community. excommunicate(Verb) To exclude from any other group; to banish.

What does excommunicated means?

Excommunicate(adj) excommunicated; interdicted from the rites of the church. Excommunicate(noun) one excommunicated. Excommunicate(verb) to put out of communion; especially, to cut off, or shut out, from communion with the church, by an ecclesiastical sentence.

What is excommunication definition?

Definition of excommunication 1 : an ecclesiastical censure depriving a person of the rights of church membership 2 : exclusion from fellowship in a group or community