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What did France bring to Trinidad?

What did France bring to Trinidad?

Trinidad’s French history came about because of the proclamation of the second Cedula de Población that allowed Catholic settlers and their enslaved workers as well as free coloureds entry into Trinidad. French citizens and others (including some Irish) came in their droves, soon outnumbering the Spanish.

What instrument did the French bring to Trinidad?

The French brought Masquerade Balls to Trinidad which were mimicked by ex-slaves after Abolition of Slavery, and calypso competitions at Carnival grew in popularity, especially after the abolition of slavery in 1834. Calypso drew upon African and French influences, and became the voice of the people.

What did the French contribute to Trinidad and Tobago?

Most of the settlers were French, and French influence became dominant. Many slaves were brought in from the other colonies and from Africa. Plantations were established, production of cotton and sugar began, and trade increased markedly.

When did France colonize Trinidad?

The French colonized during the seventeenth century. France occupied the colony from August 1666 to March 1667. On 6 December 1677, the French destroyed the Dutch colony and claimed the entire island before restoring it to the Dutch by the first Treaty of Nijmegen on 10 August 1678.

What did the French bring to the Caribbean?

The Dutch, the French, and the British followed one another to the region and established a long-term presence. They brought with them millions of slaves imported from Africa to support the tropical plantation system that spread through the Caribbean islands.

What are two food items of French influence in Trinidad and Tobago?

Creole cooking is the result of French and African influences and is indigenous to the island. Callaloo (creamy spinach), pelau (chicken, peas, and rice) and provision (sweet potato, cassava), and stew meats are staples of this cuisine.

Did the French colonize Trinidad and Tobago?

Colonial history France colonized Tobago during the seventeenth century. France occupied the colony from August 1666 to March 1667.

How did the Europeans come to Trinidad?

Christopher Columbus landed on Trinidad, which he named for the Holy Trinity, in 1498 and found a land quietly inhabited by the Arawak and Carib Indians. It was nearly a century later that Europeans began to settle Trinidad (called “leri&—land of the hummingbird—by the Amerindians).