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What type of protist is paramecium?

What type of protist is paramecium?

Paramecium caudatum is a species of unicellular protist in the phylum Ciliophora. They can reach 0.33 mm in length and are covered with minute hair-like organelles called cilia. The cilia are used in locomotion and feeding. The species is very common, and widespread in marine, brackish and freshwater environments.

What is a Sarcodine give an example of a Sarcodine?

Sarcodina/Lower classifications

Which of the following is an example of a Sarcodine that uses pseudopods or false feet to move?

Animal-Like Protists

Question Answer
Sarcodina group of animal-like protists that are commonly known as sarcodines, they move by pseudopods (false feet) and an example is the amoeba
Ciliophora group of animal-like protists that are commonly known as ciliates, move by using their cilia, and an example is a paramecium

Is amoeba a Sarcodina?

Sarcodines include the genus Amoeba (see amoeba) and pathogenic species, e.g., dysentery-causing Entamoeba histolytica. These protozoans’ cells may be spherical or irregular in shape; the pellicle (or envelope) is usually thin and flexible.

Which group of protozoa are Nonmotile?

Classification of Protozoa

Classification Characteristic
Ciliophora (Ciliates) Motile; covered with many, short cilia.
Sarcomastigophora (Flagellates) Motile; have one or more long flagella.
Apicomplexa (Sporozoa) Adult form is non-motile; many are parasites, and some can form spores.

What is cilia What is an example of a Ciliate?

Ciliates are protozoans (or protists) that are characterized by the presence of hair-like organelles called cilia. Some of the ciliates include Stentor, Didinium), Balantidium, Colpoda, Coleps, Paramecium, Vorticella, Tetrahymena”, etc.

How do you identify structures in the Paramecium?

Identifying structures in the paramecium is rather simple! As you read the information, fill in the blanks on your worksheet and identify the structures on your diagram. First, observe the outside of the organism. What appears to be the cell membrane is actually a part called the pellicle.

How is the pellicle important to the Paramecium?

The pellicle is a stiff, outer covering that helps give the paramecium its shape. Unlike the amoeba, the paramecium is not able to change shapes (although it can bend and twist). Just below the pellicle you will find the cell membrane. On the surface of the organism are short hair-like structures are the cilia.

How does the protozoa of a sarcodine move?

Part One – Background information. All sarcodines move by using pseudopods, or temporary bulges in the cell membrane. The protozoa you will observe today is called the paramecium. A paramecium is unicellular and moves by using cilia. Cilia are short, hair-like structures that are found on the surface of the organism.

What kind of shell does a sarcodine have?

Sarcodine. These protozoans’ cells may be spherical or irregular in shape; the pellicle (or envelope) is usually thin and flexible. Sometimes there is an external shell ( see foraminiferan) or skeleton ( see radiolarian ). The cytoplasm, composed of ectoplasm and endoplasm, may contain more than one nucleus.