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What element decays into barium-137?

What element decays into barium-137?

Caesium-137 is produced from the nuclear fission of plutonium and uranium, and decays into barium-137.

What is formed when Cs-137 undergoes beta decay?

Cesium-137 has a radioactive half-life of about 30 years and decays by beta decay either to stable barium-137 or a meta-stable form of barium (barium-137m).

What is the nuclear equation for the beta decay of Cs-137?

Cs –> 137m56Ba + e- + νe. As the Cs-137 nuclei decay to the Ba-137m nuclei, the Ba-137m atoms remain adsorbed on the surface of the resin.

What isotope is created when barium 140 undergoes beta decay?

1949 La
Write the equation for the beta decay of barium-140, and determine what isotope is formed by the reaction. The unknown decay product has an atomic number of 57, which is lanthanum, according to the periodic table. The isotope is therefore 1949 La.

When the nuclide Cesium-137 decays to barium 137 what kind of decay does cesium 137 undergo?

β- decay
Cesium-137 undergoes β- decay, decaying into barium-137. Measurements of the emitted electrons show that the maximum electron energy is 1.176 MeV.

How is cesium-137 formed?

Cesium-137 is produced by nuclear fission. Fissioning that occurs without any outside cause is called “spontaneous fission.” for use in medical devices and gauges. It is also one of the byproducts of nuclear fission processes in nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons testing.

Is barium 137 an isotope?

This Cs-137/Ba-137m Isotope Generator is used to demonstrate the properties of radioactive decay. The parent isotope Cs-137 with a half-life of 30.1 years beta decays (94.6%) to the metastable state of Ba-137m. This further decays by gamma emission (662 keV) with a half-life of 2.6 min. to the stable Ba-137 element.

When the isotope cesium-137 decays by beta emission What is the atomic number of the element produced?

Cesium-137 is a radioactive element with a half-life of thirty years. Its decay results in the formation of Ba-137 with a very short half-life. Both elements have the same atomic mass but cesium has an atomic number of 55 and barium has an atomic number of 56.

When the nuclide Cesium 137 decays to barium 137 what kind of decay does cesium 137 undergo?