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Is Bikeability compulsory?

Is Bikeability compulsory?

No. Currently, about half of all schools in England offer Bikeability training. ‘At the moment, cycling is not part of the National Curriculum, so there’s no obligation for schools to offer Bikeability or other similar training, although there are many advocates for including it in the Curriculum,’ says Paul.

What is a Bikeability course?

Bikeability is the government’s national cycle training programme. It helps you learn practical skills and understand how to cycle on today’s roads. Bikeability gives everyone the confidence to cycle and enjoy this skill for life. For all levels of experience. Qualified, expert instructors.

Do you need a cycling proficiency?

You don’t need to pass a test or register yourself as a bike owner, and bikes don’t come with a manual outlining correct riding procedure. This beautiful simplicity is part of what makes cycling so popular around the world, but of course as soon as you take to public roads you are bound by certain rules.

Do Bikeability instructors get paid?

All our cycle training is paid at an hourly rate as a freelance instructor. *Trainee instructors will be deemed fully qualified after their training period of 100 allocated school hours has been completed.

Are Bikeability courses free?

We offer free city cycling courses to anyone who lives, works or studies in Westminster. Sessions are available for individuals or groups and are tailored to your riding experience and needs. The courses are run by Cycle Confident, an approved provider of Bikeability cycle training.

How long is the Bikeability course?

About the courses Our 5-day courses look after 12 riders. It covers: bike checks. control skills.

Is it illegal to cycle without a helmet UK?

There’s no law which compels cyclists of any age to wear a helmet. However, it’s obviously dangerous to cycle without one, and the Highway Code suggests all cyclists wear a safe and well-fitting helmet regardless of what the laws says.

Is CPD a requirement of a Bikeability instructor?

Instructor CPD For example instructors could be required to undertake a minimum level/type of CPD each year in order to maintain their status as an active Bikeability instructor. The industry development group should help to determine the level and type of CPD required.

Is there still a cycling proficiency test?

The Cycling Proficiency Test stopped being used in 2007. It was superseded by a new scheme, branded ‘Bikeability’, which was introduced by the Department of Transport as part of their National Standard for Cycle Training plan.

What percentage of cyclists wear helmets UK?

The increase since 2006 is due to the increase in adult cyclists wearing helmets from 31.5% to 35.3% as the cycle helmet wearing rate for children remained constant at 17.6% (the same as in 1994 and 2006, having dropped in between).

What is Bikeability Scotland?

Bikeability Scotland is a cycle training programme, usually delivered in schools between P5 and S2, that teaches children to cycle safely, to learn how to deal with traffic and that, above all, gets children excited about cycling.

What do you need to know about Bikeability?

Bikeability is a cycle training programme that teaches children practical skills and gives them the understanding and expertise they need to ride their bikes on the road. It replaces the old-fashioned Cycling Proficiency courses that many of us did as children.

What is Bikeability Level 2 in the UK?

Bikeability Level 2 is part of the National Standard for cycle training. Watch the Department of Transport video about Level 2. On this course, trainees share the road with traffic. The session will begin off road where the Instructors can assess the trainees’ current level of cycling skills.

Do you have to go to school for Bikeability?

No. Currently, about half of all schools in England offer Bikeability training. ‘At the moment, cycling is not part of the National Curriculum, so there’s no obligation for schools to offer Bikeability or other similar training, although there are many advocates for including it in the Curriculum,’ says Paul. Who pays for Bikeability?

Is the Bikeability Trust registered in the UK?

The Bikeability Trust registers Bikeability providers and instructors on behalf of the Department for Transport. This delivery guide is for registered Bikeability providers and instructors in England. It explains how to deliver Bikeability at Levels 1, 2 and 3.