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How long can a person live with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome?

How long can a person live with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome?

The median survival time for de novo deletions was 34+ years while for translocation cases it was 18+ years. CONCLUSIONS—The mortality rate is lower than previously reported. There is a statistically significant relationship between deletion size and overall risk of death in de novo deletion cases.

Can someone with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome have children?

A loss of these genes results in the intellectual disability , slow growth, and other health problems characteristic of Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. If a parent is found to have a balanced translocation involving chromosome 4, they may be at risk of having additional children with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome.

Can people with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome talk?

Although most children with this syndrome are severely limited in communicative abilities, the school-based speech-language pathologist working with a special education caseload may encounter WHS children with smaller deletions (and thus less severe phenotypes) who may profit from speech language pathology services.

How many people get Wolf-Hirschhorn?

The prevalence of Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome is estimated to be 1 in 50,000 births, and it occurs in individuals of all ethnic backgrounds.

What is life like for people with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome?

The average life expectancy is unknown. Muscle weakness may increase the risk of having chest infections and ultimately may reduce the life expectancy. Many people, in the absence of severe heart defects, chest infections, and uncontrollable seizures , survive into adulthood.

What causes Hirschhorn syndrome?

Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome is caused by a missing piece (deletion) of genetic material near the end of the short (p) arm of chromosome 4. 3 In most cases, this is not an inherited genetic disorder but rather a mutation that occurs spontaneously.

Is Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome Rare?

Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (WHS) is an extremely rare chromosomal disorder caused by a missing piece (partial deletion or monosomy) of the short arm of chromosome 4.

What is the long term outlook for a child with Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome?

The long-term outlook ( prognosis ) for people with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (WHS) depends on the specific features present and the severity of those features. The average life expectancy is unknown. Muscle weakness may increase the risk of having chest infections and ultimately may reduce the life expectancy.

What are the causes of Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome?

Can Wolf-Hirschhorn be cured?

There is no cure for Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, and every patient is unique, so treatment plans are tailored to manage the symptoms. Most plans will include: Physical or occupational therapy. Surgery to repair defects.

What causes Wolf-Hirschhorn?

Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome is caused by a deletion of genetic material near the end of the short (p) arm of chromosome 4. This chromosomal change is sometimes written as 4p-.

Does Wolf Hirschhorn syndrome have a cure?

There is no cure for Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, and every patient is unique, so treatment plans are tailored to manage the symptoms. Most plans will include: National Organization for Rare Disorders: “Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome.” National Center for Biotechnology Information, Gene Reviews: “Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome.”

What causes Wolf Hirschhorn syndrome?

Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome is caused by a deletion of genetic material near the end of the short (p) arm of chromosome 4.

Are there prenatal tests for Wolf Hirschhorn syndrome?

People who known themselves to be carriers of Wolf–Hirschhorn syndrome must undergo genetic testing and counseling prior to starting a family as this would prevent the disorder from getting transmitted to the child. Prenatal screening is advisable to families that have one parent as a carrier of the syndrome.

Is Wolf Hirschhorn syndrome contagious?

Wolf and Hirschhorn described that the traits of the syndrome were associated with a deletion of part of the short arm of chromosome 4. Wolf Hirshhorn Syndrome is a contagious gene syndrome.