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What makes a loser loser?

What makes a loser loser?

Losers do the opposite of winners. Losers are relentlessly selfish and only care about themselves. They do not serve others and their model of the world is flawed. Trying to always get more for yourself takes away something from someone else.

How do you deal with not being the best?

Here are four steps that will help you accept that brutal fact—before you get your tail stepped on by some clumsy-footed person behind you.

  1. Recognize That Things Are Always Changing. The world—and even your career—are constantly evolving and changing.
  2. Identify Your Personal Best.
  3. Think About Outcomes.
  4. Accept “Good Enough”

Why is losing bad?

Besides the blow to the ego, losing actually hurts; not in an abstract way, but in a very real manner! It makes your stomach churn, changes your blood pressure, constricts thousands of muscles, impairs decision making, elevates stress, reduces testosterone, causes dopamine deprival, and much more.

Why can’t I handle losing?

It turns out there are definite psychological reasons that many of us find losing so hard to bear. One reason is that both our brains and our bodies experience a phenomenon called negativity bias, which makes us more likely to latch onto and fixate on bad things in our lives.

What to do if you think you’re a loser?

Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to help deal with being any degree of loser: 1. Admit it. Just like AA, the first step on the road to recovery is admitting you have a problem. And just like an alcoholic, this is the hardest fucking part.

How do you react when someone calls you a loser?

Some of us feel that, when someone calls you a ‘loser’, you automatically become one. It becomes a point of ‘reacting’, because every action must have an equal and opposite reaction, as Newton said. It becomes a point of no return to defeat that label.

What do you call someone who is a loser?

I call them “negaholics” because negativity and complaining are almost an addiction. Losers manage to completely miss the bright side and promptly arrive at why everything and everyone sucks. It’s an exhaustingly heavy energy to be around and that excessive complaining just makes life worse.

What makes a person a loser or a winner?

If you’re not a winner, you’ll never take responsibility,. You won’t be the one person that will change the world. Simply reversing this will make you a winner. If you go through life being self-centered, egotistical, and not giving a damn about anyone else, you’re a loser.