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What does Odysseus promise to sacrifice to Tiresias and the dead?

What does Odysseus promise to sacrifice to Tiresias and the dead?

What does Odysseus promise to do for the “breathless dead” and Tiresias? For the breathless dead he will sacrifice his best cow once he gets to Ithaca; and for Tiresias he will sacrifice his best looking black lamb. Odysseus makes an allusion to Persephone.

What does Odysseus vow do?

He vows that he would slaughter a barren heifter, load a pyre with treasures, and to Tiresias he would offer a sleek black ram. then he must slaughter a ram and a black ewe, turning botht their reads toward Erebus. What does Tiresias tell Odysseus?

When he addressed the dead what did Odysseus vow to do?

” Odysseus then speaks to ”the blurred and breathless dead, vowing to slaughter [his] best heifer for them,” and a choice black lamb for Teiresias, the blind prophet he seeks. With these promises made, he sacrifices a lamb and a ewe, letting their blood pour into the trench.

What is Odysseus supposed to ask Tiresias in the underworld?

In The Odyssey Odysseus is warned by the blind prophet Tiresias that all of the sacred cattle of the Sun God Helios should be left alone. He also tells Odysseus that when he returns home he will find suitors eating his food and courting his wife. He is told that he must send these men away or kill them.

What does Tiresias say will happen if Odysseus doesn’t follow his advice *?

A bag of wind Odysseus’ men are envious and want to know what is in the bag. If Odysseus doesn’t follow Tiresias advice at Thrinakia, what does the spirit foretell? Eating the cattle would bring destruction for his ship and crew.

Who is Tiresias in the Odyssey?

Tiresias. A Theban prophet who inhabits the underworld. Tiresias meets Odysseus when Odysseus journeys to the underworld in Book 11 . He shows Odysseus how to get back to Ithaca and allows Odysseus to communicate with the other souls in Hades.

What does Odysseus learn from Tiresias in Hades what other characters does Odysseus speak with and what does he learn from them?

What does Odysseus learn about his journey from Tiresias in Hades? Odysseus learns that Poseidon will make it very difficult for him to get home; he will never escape Poseidon. Odysseus learns that Anticlea died because she was so sad that Odysseus was away from her and at war.

Why must Odysseus travel to the underworld and speak with Tiresias?

When Odysseus gets to the realm of Hades, he talks with Teiresias. The prophet gives him important advice about the perils he is about to undergo, and what awaits him on his home island of Ithaca. Without this advice Odysseus would not have ever reached home.

Why does Odysseus go to the Underworld?

Odysseus looks for his way back home from the Trojan War. Circe, the daughter of Apollo, advises the hero to find the soothsayer Tiresias to get the directions from her. However, Homer sends Odysseus to the underworld for the epic to show us his heroic journey.

Why did Odysseus go to the land of the dead?

In order to learn from the blind seer what he needed to do, Odysseus would have to visit the land of the dead. Circe gave Odysseus sacrificial blood to give to the denizens of the Underworld who could then speak to him. Odysseus protested that no mortal could visit the Underworld.

What did Circe tell Odysseus to do when Tiresias appeared?

Circe warned him to make the appropriate animal sacrifices, pour out votive offerings of milk, honey, wine, and water, and fend off the shades of the other dead until Tiresias appeared. Most of this Odysseus did, although before questioning Tiresias, he talked with his companion Elpenor who had fallen, drunk, to his death.

Why did Odysseus take his king to the underworld?

In it, Odysseus tells his King Alcinous all about his fantastic and unusual trip to the underworld in which he did just that. Usually, when mythic heroes undertake the dangerous voyage to the Underworld, it’s for the purpose of bringing back a person or animal of value.

Why did Odysseus want to talk to his mother?

Odysseus longed to hold his mother, but, as Anticlea explained, since the bodies of the dead were burned to ash, the shades of the dead are just insubstantial shadows. She urged her son to talk with the other women so he would be able to give news to Penelope whenever he reached Ithaca.