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What are some analogies for cells?

What are some analogies for cells?

Cell Organelles City Analogies
Cell Wall City Wall
Cytoplasm Lawns
Endoplasmic Reticulum Highway or road system
Ribosomes Lumber or brick yard

What is a cell similar to in real life?

In real life, cells are three-dimensional. An analogy that would work in three dimensions is an imaginary, interplanetary floating amusement park that you might imagine in a science fiction movie.

What would students be in a cell analogy?

The function of the protein in a cell is to transport molecules. The proteins of the school would be the students. The students would be the proteins because that is what the school is making.

What is a school cell analogy?

Cytoplasm is like the hallways of the school. The hallways are where everyone travels through the school. The Cell Wall is like the beams in a school because it provides the school support. Chlorolast. The Chloroplast is like the cafeteria in a school because it is where the students in a school get their energy.

How a cell is like a house?

Cell organelle. A cell is like a house. While the nucleus is the control center of the cell, people control everything inside the house. The Golgi apparatus packages/delivers proteins.

What are examples of cell analogy?

Cell Analogy Example CELL = RESTAURANT Cells are made up of parts called organelles that help the cell function properly. CELL MEMBRANE = THE RESTAURANT DOORS The Cell Membrane controls what comes in and out of the cell. CYTOPLASM = RESTAURANT FLOOR The Cytoplasm is a jelly-like substance that keeps all the other organelles in their proper place.

What are analogies for a cell?

Analogy An analogy of the plant cell is a school. The Nucleus controls the cell. The Ribosomes make protein for the cell and the cell needs to make protein to support other cell functions. The Endoplasmic Reticulum is a fold organelle that makes protein so that it can help support other cell functions

What are some examples of a cell organelle analogy?

CELL = RESTAURANT Cells are made up of parts called organelles that help the cell function properly. Restaurants also require several parts in order to function properly.

  • CELL MEMBRANE = THE RESTAURANT DOORS The Cell Membrane controls what comes in and out of the cell. The Restaurant Doors let people in and out of the restaurant.
  • CYTOPLASM = RESTAURANT FLOOR The Cytoplasm is a jelly-like substance that keeps all the other organelles in their proper place.
  • Is this a good cell analogy?

    A Cell is Like A City! Nucleus = City Hall: they are both the controlling forces in the cell/city. Cytoplasm = Atmosphere: the main substance of the city/cell that takes up all the space. It surrounds the buildings/organelles. Cell Membrane = Police Officers: they both control what goes in and out of the cell/city.