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What jobs did the colony of Georgia have?

What jobs did the colony of Georgia have?

Men in colonial Georgia were planters, farmers, tradesmen and politicians. Other jobs for men include: fur traders, merchants, medical professionals and carpenters. Menial labor jobs on plantations were often held by slaves and others of a lower social standing than land owners.

What jobs did most Colonist have?

Here are some of the typical trades of Colonial America.

  • Apothecary. The apothecaries of colonial times were similar to today’s pharmacists.
  • Blacksmith. The blacksmith was one of the most important tradesmen of any colonial settlement.
  • Cabinetmaker.
  • Chandler (candlemaker)
  • Cobbler (shoemaker)
  • Cooper.
  • Gunsmith.
  • Milliner.

How did Georgia colony make money?

The Georgia Trustees decided the new settlers would to grow grapes, indigo and mulberry trees. Grapes would be used in making wine, indigo for blue dye and the mulberry trees would host silkworms for silk production. Silk fabric was very popular and a sign of wealth during the 1700s and China was the major producer.

What were jobs in the Southern colonies?

Economy. The Southern economy was almost entirely based on farming. Rice, indigo, tobacco, sugarcane, and cotton were cash crops. Crops were grown on large plantations where slaves and indentured servants worked the land.

What kind of jobs did the pilgrims have?

What jobs did the Pilgrims have? Most of those that came had trades previously like printing and combing wool etc. Although now we’re all farmers, fishermen, carpenters etc.

What kind of agriculture was in Georgia Colony?

Residents of the Georgia Colony grew a variety of crops, including vegetables, grain, fruit, corn, cotton, tobacco, and livestock. Plantation owners in the Georgia Colony often traded their crops for items they could not produce. These items included dishes, farming tools, shoes, and thread.

What did Colonial Georgia trade?

Trade in the Colonies – Georgia Trade in the Georgia Colony used the natural resources and raw materials available to develop trade in Tobacco, cotton, rice, indigo (dye), lumber, furs, barrel staves, pottery, farm products. Their plantations produced sugar, rice, indigo and tobacco.

What might be some typical jobs of colonists in the Middle Colonies?

Logging, shipbuilding, textiles production, and papermaking were also important in the Middle Colonies.