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What are the lines on a topographic contour map called?
The thick lines are known as “index lines” and are labeled with a number revealing the elevation. The thinner, unmarked contour lines between the index lines are called “interval lines.” Use the elevation marked on index lines to calculate the elevation of interval lines.
What are the five types of contour lines?
Types of Contour Lines
- See how the same object can be transformed through the use of line. How different can one object look?
- Single Contour Lines with Varied Line Weight. Contour lines with varied line weight.
- Cross Contour Lines. Cross contour lines.
- Continuous Contour. Continuous contour.
- Blind Contour. Blind contour.
What do the V lines on a topographic map represent?
The “V” shape contours indicate streams and drainage. As you can see, the “V” points uphill to a higher elevation. Generally, you can connect the apexes of the upward-pointing, “V” shaped contour lines to delineate a stream.
What are the brown lines on a topographic map?
Topographic contours are shown in brown by lines of different widths. Each contour is a line of equal elevation; therefore, contours never cross. They show the general shape of the terrain.
What are contour intervals on a topographic map?
Individual contour lines on a topographical map are a fixed interval of elevation apart known as a contour interval. Common contour intervals are 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, or 100 feet. The actual contour interval of a map depends upon the topography being represented as well as the scale of the map.
What are the different types of contour drawing?
There are several different types of contour line drawings:
- Blind Contour. ‘Blind contour drawing’ is when contour drawing is done without looking at the paper AT ALL.
- Continuous Line Contour.
- Modified Contour.
- cross-contour.
What are Index contour lines?
Index contours are bold or thicker lines that appear at every fifth contour line. If the numbers associated with specific contour lines are increasing, the elevation of the terrain is also increasing. If the numbers associated with the contour lines are decreasing, there is a decrease in elevation.
What are the three main types of contour lines on topographic maps?
The elevation represented by contour lines is the vertical distance above or below sea level. The three types of contour lines used on a standard topographic map are index, intermediate, and supplementary. Index. Starting at zero elevation or mean sea level, every fifth contour line is a heavier line.
What type of lines are contour lines?
Contour lines are curved, straight or a mix of both lines which do not cross each other in a map. The reference for elevation indicated by contour lines is usually mean sea. The space between consecutive contour line determines the gradient of the surface that is being represented and is termed as the “interval”.
Which is the index contour on a topographic map?
To make topographic maps easier to read, every fifth contour line is an index contour. Because it’s impractical to mark the elevation of every contour line on the map, the index contour lines are the only ones labeled. The index contours are a darker or wider brown line in comparison to the regular contour lines.
What do the lines on a topographic map look like?
The line you see will look like a contour line on a topographic map. In order to keep things simple, topographic maps show lines for certain elevations only. These lines are evenly spaced apart. We call this spacing the contour interval.
How can I turn my topographical view to contour lines?
You can turn their topographic view (complete with contour lines) by selecting the “Terrain” layer from the options menu. Gaia. iPhone users can use Gaia GPS. It is an elegantly designed map program with topographic maps available for download. You can download the maps when you have data or wifi before you venture off-grid.
What are the different types of contour lines?
There are 3 kinds of contour lines you’ll see on a map: intermediate, index, and supplementary. 1. Index lines are the thickest contour lines and are usually labeled with a number at one point along the line. This tells you the elevation above sea level. 2.