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How should bearded dragon nails look?
You’ll know their nails are too long by looking at their feet when they are standing or walking on a hard surface. If their nails and toes stay perpendicular to the ground, the length of their nails is good. If the nails and toes bend over to the side due to the length of the nail, it’s time for a trim.
What does it mean when your bearded dragon claws at the glass?
Glass surfing is thought to be a result of stress and a bearded dragon may be stressed for several reasons: An enclosure or tank that’s too small for it can stress a bearded dragon out. Feeling threatened by its own reflection in the glass can cause stress. Feeling bored or hungry can be stressful to a bearded dragon.
What does Hypo mean in reptiles?
The term is commonly heard in describing corn snakes and rat snakes. The combining word hypo- means under. This means that the melanin production is reduced, not necessarily absent. The term is used in contrast to hypermelanism, which is the accentuated form of melanin production.
What is a hypo translucent bearded dragon?
Hypo Trans – Bearded dragons that lack dark colors and have slightly transparent/translucent skin. Het Hypo – Bearded dragons that carry the hypomelanism trait, yet do not display it visually.
What is Hypo bearded dragon?
Hypo is short for hypomelanism, which literally means “less melanin”. Hypo bearded dragons have clear nails without the usual brown stripe of melanin running down the top of each nail. The hypo trait also helps to reduce the amount of melanin in their scales so that other colors appear more vibrant.
Can I file my bearded dragons nails?
Although it takes a little longer, you can use a nail file to take the edge off of very sharp claws. This technique, because it is slower and slightly more aggravating to the lizard, should be reserved for well behaved smaller species like bearded dragons, skinks, and small monitors.
How do I know my bearded dragon is happy?
You can definitely say that your bearded dragon is happy and likes you when it shows no signs of aggression, just affection. If your bearded dragon isn’t biting, bobbing its head, puffing up its beard when you approach or hissing at you, then it’s good.
What makes a hypo bearded dragon?
Hypo is short for hypomelanism, which literally means “less melanin”. The hypo trait in bearded dragons is a recessive mutation that causes the dragon to produce less melanin. Recessive means that the dragon will only display the visual signs of the trait if it receives that trait from both of its parents.
What does Hypo Het mean?
This term simply means that the animal displays the trait that they are working with. For example, a visually het for trans would be a dragon displaying the trans gene with translucent scales and possibly black eyes, or a visually het for hypo animal will be 100% hypo with 20 clear nails.
What are the traits of a hypo bearded dragon?
Hypo – Bearded dragon offspring from breeding two bearded dragons with hypomelanism traits. Generally the offspring are lighter in color and have a sigificant reduction of dark colors in the skin, eyes, and nails.
What kind of eyes does a bearded dragon have?
Generally trans bearded dragons have solid black eyes. Hypo Trans – Bearded dragons that lack dark colors and have slightly transparent/translucent skin. Het Hypo – Bearded dragons that carry the hypomelanism trait, yet do not display it visually.
Why does a bearded dragon have a blue belly?
When they are first born, a Translucent Morph has a practically clear blue belly. However, in most cases this blue coloring will disappear as the bearded dragon gets older and their skin thickens. Translucency is a recessive trait.
Can a white dragon be a hypo zero?
Zeros that aren’t visual hypo are the grey zeros that you commonly see (they can carry hypo as a het), and the white dragons are hypo zeros. Note that a zero can have black eyes without being trans. Note that there is NO such thing as a “black” dragon.