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What are the different types of volcanic eruption how do they differ?

What are the different types of volcanic eruption how do they differ?

There are two types of eruptions in terms of activity, explosive eruptions and effusive eruptions. Explosive eruptions are characterized by gas-driven explosions that propels magma and tephra. Effusive eruptions, meanwhile, are characterized by the outpouring of lava without significant explosive eruption.

Why different types of volcanoes behave in different ways most especially during their time of eruption?

Viscosity is an important property in determining the eruptive behavior of magmas. When magma reaches the surface of the earth, it is called lava. Different magma types behave differently as lava flows, depending on their temperature, viscosity, and gas content.

How do volcanoes vary?

Volcanoes have several shapes, which are controlled by the composition of the magma and the nature of its eruption. Volcanoes that are a built from ash and cinders usually have steep sides, but tend to erode quicker than volcanoes built from lava.

Are volcanic eruptions the same?

No, the same volcano can produce different magmas at different times and sometimes even in the same eruption. It depends on what has melted to form the magma in the magma chamber and what this magma has mixed with on its way to the surface. There are two types of igneous rock, volcanic and plutonic.

What can be different about eruptions?

In general, eruptions can be categorized as either effusive or explosive. Effusive eruptions involve the outpouring of basaltic magma that is relatively low in viscosity and in gas content. Explosive eruptions generally involve magma that is more viscous and has a higher gas content.

Which type of volcano has the most violent eruption?

Composite volcanoes have the most violent eruptions, because the lava they eject is stickier, or more viscous, than the lava from cinder cones or shield volcanoes. As a result, more pressure builds up in the volcano before an eruption.

What volcanic eruption types are the least violent?

Strombolian eruptions are often associated with small lava lakes, which can build up in the conduits of volcanoes. They are one of the least violent of the explosive eruptions, although they can still be very dangerous if bombs or lava flows reach inhabited areas.

What are the types of volcano according to eruptions?

Summary Composite, shield, cinder cones, and supervolcanoes are the main types of volcanoes. Composite volcanoes are tall, steep cones that produce explosive eruptions. Shield volcanoes form very large, gently sloped mounds from effusive eruptions.

What is the worst volcanic disaster?

Mt. Tambora,The worst volcano-related disaster the world has ever witnessed occurred on the Sumbawa Island of Indonesia in 1815.

  • Krakatoa. In 1883,the weeks of rumbling that predicated one of the worst volcanic eruptions of the 19th century reached their climax.
  • Mount Pelée.
  • Mount Samalas.
  • Mount Unzen.
  • Mount Vesuvius.
  • Laki.
  • Nevado del Ruiz.
  • Kelud.