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Why did my canvas come with pieces of wood?

Why did my canvas come with pieces of wood?

These are called canvas tightening keys, also referred to as canvas wedges or stretcher bar keys. Small but mighty, these pieces of wood are to strengthen the canvas if it begins to sag. Canvas keys are normally stapled to the back of a pre-stretched artist’s canvas in a clear plastic bag.

What is the wooden part of a canvas called?

stretcher bars
Sometimes the canvas keys are stapled to the back in a little bag, sometimes they’re already wedged into the mitered corners of the stretcher bars (the wooden frame to which the canvas is attached). These bits of wood are canvas tightening keys or wedges, used if the canvas begins to sag a little on the stretcher.

What are stretcher keys?

The stretcher keys are the thin, triangular wooden wedges that are hammered into the slots located at the inner corners of the stretchers, in order to tighten the canvas by expanding or opening the stretcher. Depending on the stretcher they tighten the canvas in a different manner.

What are stretcher bars for canvas?

A stretcher bar is used to construct a wooden stretcher used by artists to mount their canvases. They are traditionally a wooden framework support on which an artist fastens a piece of canvas.

How do you attach wood to canvas?

How to fit canvas wedges

  1. Insert the wedges by hand into the corner slots, in the orientation shown.
  2. Place pieces of card between the stretchers and the canvas in each corner.
  3. Stand the canvas upright.
  4. Using a small hammer, knock the wedges upwards into the slots while supporting the canvas with your free hand.

What paints to use on canvas?

Two of the most commonly used paints for canvas art are oil and acrylic paint. Acrylic comes in as an all-time favourite with its favourable qualities; it’s easy to work with and dries quickly. Oil paint is another winner with its thick, gluey consistency it is the perfect paint recipe paired beautifully with canvas.

What is the thing that holds a canvas called?

An easel is an upright support used for displaying and/or fixing something resting upon it, at an angle of about 20° to the vertical. In particular, easels are traditionally used by painters to support a painting while they work on it, normally standing up, and are also sometimes used to display finished paintings.

What is a canvas frame called?

Canvas is usually stretched across a wooden frame called a stretcher and maybe coated with gesso prior to being used to prevent oil paint from coming into direct contact with the canvas fibres which would eventually cause the canvas to decay.