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What fruit that starts with C?

What fruit that starts with C?

Calabash Fruit The first fruit in the list of fruits that start with C is Calabash Fruit.

What is the name of the Spanish vegetable?

Common Vegetables

English Spanish Pronunciation
Broccoli El brocoli broh-koh-lee
Cabbage El repollo ray-poy-oh
Carrot La zanahoria san-ah-or-yah
Cauliflower El coliflor coh-lee-flohr

What fruits are popular in Spain?

What to eat in Spain? 10 Most Popular Spanish Fruits

  • Apple. Manzana Reineta del Bierzo. El Bierzo.
  • Persimmon. Kaki Ribera del Xúquer.
  • Pear. Pera de Lleida.
  • Apple. Manzana de Girona.
  • Pomegranate. Granada Mollar de Elche.
  • Cherry. Cerezas de la Montaña de Alicante.
  • Pear. Peras de Rincón de Soto.
  • Peach. Melocotón de Calanda.

What are the names of fruit in Spanish?

Fruit names in Spanish | Las frutas. 1. la fresa / la frutilla – strawberry 2. la sandía / el melón – watermelon 3. la piña / el ananá – pineapple, ananá is only used in Argentina 4. el damasco / el albariquoque / el chabacano – apricot.

What are the names of vegetables in Spanish?

Vegetables names in Spanish | Los vegetales o Las verduras. 28. el zapallo / la calabaza– squash, although calabaza may instead mean pumpkin. 29. la berenjena– eggplant. 30. la espinaca – spinach. 31. la batata – sweet potato. 32. la remolacha / la betarraga / el betabel – beets. 33. el repollo – cabbage. 34. el apio – celery

What’s the name of the fruit in Puerto Rico?

18. el mango / el mangó – mango, notice that in Spanish some countries such as Puerto Rico put the accent on the O, changing the pronunciation. 21. la acerola – tropical cherry or Caribbean cherry

Where do the names of fruits come from?

Fruit Names English and Spanish Share. The Spanish in turn came from Nahuatl, an indigenous Mexican language, which used the word tomatl. The tl ending is very common noun ending in Nahuatl. Sources for some of the other fruit names include Italian ( cantalupo and “cantaloupe”), Latin ( pera and “pear”), and Arabic ( naranja and “orange”).