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What is the verb form of qualification?

What is the verb form of qualification?

qualify. To describe or characterize something by listing its qualities. To make someone, or to become competent or eligible for some position or task.

What is the adverb of qualify?

2. Adverbs related to adjectives

Adjectives Adverbs
Qualifying a noun qualifying a verb qualifying an adjective
a high mountain I think highly of you That is highly improbable
A real surprise He really likes you You are really nice.
A fast train It went very fast This is a fast moving situation.

What is the noun of qualify?

quality. (uncountable) Level of excellence. (countable) A property or an attribute that differentiates a thing or person. (archaic) High social position.

What is the adjective of qualify?

adjective. adjective. /ˈkwɑləˌfaɪd/ 1having passed the exams or completed the training that is necessary in order to do a particular job; having the experience to do a particular job a qualified teacher, etc. to be highly/suitably/fully qualified qualified for something She’s extremely well qualified for the job.

What is an adverb qualifying an adverb?

adverb (noun): a word that modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb, expressing manner, place, time or degree; a word that can modify a phrase, clause or sentence. An adverb is a word that tells us more about a verb. It “qualifies” or “modifies” a verb (The man ran quickly).

What is the prefix of qualify?

Unqualified is made up of the adjective qualified, which means “having the necessary skill or knowledge to do a task” with the prefix un-. Because qualified is an adjective, un- here means not, and the whole word means “not having the skills or knowledge needed to do a task.”

What is the antonyms of qualify?

qualify. Antonyms: unfit, misprepare, misqualify, disqualify, incapacitate, free, absolve. Synonyms: fit, prepare, adapt, capacitate, limit, restrict, enable, render capable.

Is qualified a verb or adjective?

British Dictionary definitions for qualified qualified. / (ˈkwɒlɪˌfaɪd) / adjective. having the abilities, qualities, attributes, etc, necessary to perform a particular job or task.

What is antonyms of qualify?

What are the antonyms for qualified?

antonyms for qualified

  • ignorant.
  • impotent.
  • inadequate.
  • incapable.
  • incompetent.
  • inefficient.
  • inept.
  • inexperienced.

Which is the best definition of the verb qualify?

transitive verb. 1a : to reduce from a general to a particular or restricted form : modify. b : to make less harsh or strict : moderate. c : to alter the strength or flavor of. d : to limit or modify the meaning of qualify a noun.

When do you use the qualifying infinitive in an adjective?

The qualifying infinitive may be used: 1) to qualify a noun like an adjective. Give me something to drink. Give me a chair to sit. It was a sight to see. This is a thing to admire.

What is the meaning of the word qualification?

To make someone, or to become competent or eligible for some position or task. To certify or license someone for something. To modify, limit, restrict or moderate something; especially to add conditions or requirements for an assertion to be true. (now rare) To mitigate, alleviate (something); to make less disagreeable.

What does it mean to qualify for a job?

to provide with proper or necessary skills, knowledge, credentials, etc.; make competent: to qualify oneself for a job.