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What is the literary term for monologue?

What is the literary term for monologue?

monologue, in literature and drama, an extended speech by one person. A soliloquy (q.v.) is a type of monologue in which a character directly addresses an audience or speaks his thoughts aloud while alone or while the other actors keep silent.

Can a soliloquy be short?

A soliloquy is a rather long speech made by a single character in a theatrical production. The speech is not intended to be heard by any other character, on or off stage. However, an aside is typically very short and more like a comment than a speech.

What is a Silique in literature?

A soliloquy (suh-lil-uh-kwee) is a literary device used in drama to reveal a character’s thoughts, feelings, secrets or plans to the audience. Characters usually deliver soliloquies while they are alone. If other characters are present, they are depicted as not having heard the soliloquy.

Is monologue a literary device?

Monologue is a literary device featuring a “speech” made by a single character in a work of literature or dramatic work (for theater or film). Monologues allow a character to address other characters present in the scene and/or the reader/audience.

What is monologue antonym?

antonyms for monologue

  • quiet.
  • silence.
  • dialogue.

What does synecdoche mean in literature?

synecdoche, figure of speech in which a part represents the whole, as in the expression “hired hands” for workmen or, less commonly, the whole represents a part, as in the use of the word “society” to mean high society.

What are some literary terms?

Literary terms refer to the technique, style, and formatting used by writers and speakers to masterfully emphasize, embellish, or strengthen their compositions. Literary terms can refer to playful techniques employed by comedians to make us laugh or witty tricks wordsmiths use to coin new words or phrases.

Which is the best description of a short story?

A short story is exactly that – a short story. It has a condensed plot that evolves over a short time span, and has few characters. This term is used in dramatic literature and means that the actor is speaking to himself, or “aside” as it also is called. It is widely used in many of Shakespeare’s plays.

Which is an example of a literary device?

For example soliloquy, monologue, and aside are all literary devices that allow characters in a play to speak without interruption. They are effective in giving characters an opportunity to express themselves on stage. However, these devices are different in their purpose and function within a drama.

Is the speech in Tom’s speech a soliloquy?

Tom’s speech is definitely a monologue, in that he is speaking uninterrupted. In addition, there are no other characters present to hear his words. However, Tom addresses the audience in his speech, meaning it is not truly a soliloquy. Therefore, writers must be aware of these distinctions.