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Why should we prevent illegal logging?

Why should we prevent illegal logging?

It is important to fight illegal logging because of the damage it inflicts on people, societies and the environment. Illegal logging drives deforestation, biodiversity loss and climate change.

What is the cause and effect of illegal logging?

The environmental effects of illegal logging include deforestation, the loss of biodiversity and the emission of greenhouse gases. Illegal logging has contributed to conflicts with indigenous and local populations, violence, human rights abuses, corruption, funding of armed conflicts and the worsening of poverty.

What is the effect of illegal logging in the Philippines?

Illegal logging degrades the forest ecosystem in The Philippines, which damages the protective function of the forests. The deterioration of forests triggers landslides and flooding after a heavy monsoon rain. These natural disasters lead to massive deaths of citizens and loss of livelihoods.

How can illegal logging and any other forestry issues affect the economic development of our country?

Illegal logging also distorts markets and pushes down the market price of timber, which creates unfair competition and hinders the effort to implement sustainable forest management in the long run. The social impacts of illegal logging are diverse.

How does illegal logging violate human rights?

Community resistance to land grabs and forest clearing frequently results in violence being used against them, including: forced evictions, police harassment, intimidation, death threats and violent attacks, arbitrary arrest, and retaliatory litigation and criminalisation of community leaders, human rights defenders …

What is illegal mining and effects in the Philippines?

Illegal Mining is one of the environmental issues in the Philippines. Many mining areas in the Philippines show the impact of negative effect of mining in polluted bodies of water such as rivers, mine dumps and waste areas like in Palawan.

Why is illegal logging bad for the environment?

Illegal logging destroys trees that act as carbon sinks and climate regulators which play a significant role in global warming and climate change. The illegal clearing of forests to obtain timber is equally responsible for about 11% of carbon emissions which continue to impact climates worldwide.

Why is logging good for the environment?

Benefits. Management restores health to forests in several ways. Logging opens up the ecosystem for new plant growth. Removal of litter reduces the intensity of future fires by decreasing the fuel load so that devastating crown fires that kill all plant life in their path can be avoided.