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Can there be two nuclei?

Can there be two nuclei?

A binucleated cell has two nuclei. Binucleated cells are cells that contain two nuclei. This type of cell is most commonly found in cancer cells and may arise from a variety of causes. Binucleation can be easily visualized through staining and microscopy.

Is it possible for a cell to have a two nuclei Why?

Having two nuclei is like having two sets of blueprints, so the cells can build two proteins at the same time. Skeletal muscle is composed of long, fiber-like cells, which fuse together as they’re made. This means that each muscle cell has more than one nucleus because it is really made of several combined cells.

How many nuclei can a cell have?

one nucleus
Generally there is only one nucleus per cell, but there are exceptions, such as the cells of slime molds and the Siphonales group of algae. Simpler one-celled organisms (prokaryotes), like the bacteria and cyanobacteria, don’t have a nucleus.

Do animals have multiple nuclei?

An animal cell with numerous nuclei is called as syncytial because it refers to multinucleate condition which means that the cell contains more than one nucleus per cell.

What organism has two nuclei?

A number of dinoflagellates are known to have two nuclei. Unlike other multinucleated cells these nuclei contain two distinct lineages of DNA: one from the dinoflagellate and the other from a symbiotic diatom.

Which of the following microorganisms have two nuclei?

Which of the following microorganism have two nuclei? Explanation: Paramecium is unicellular ciliate protozoa which have two nuclei, one is macronucleus and other is micronucleus.

What organism has two nucleus?

Fungi spend much of their lives with only a single nucleus. Except, that is, when two filaments cross paths. When two lonely filaments find each other, the cells at the tip of the filaments fuse, and form new structures that have two nuclei per cell.

Which organism has more than one nucleus per cell?

Some of the organisms contain more than one nucleus in each cell or in some specialised cells. Organisms that show multinucleate stage are fungi, e.g. coenocytic hyphae of Rhizopus, plasmodium of slime mould, skeletal muscle cells and osteoclasts in mammals are also multinucleate.

Which animal cell has two nuclei?

Which organism has multiple nucleus?

Are there any organisms that have more than one nucleus?

An argument can be made that a schizont, a human liver cell infected with many rapidly replicating malaria parasites, has multiple nuclei. There are millions of other organisms on Earth, and some of them have cells with multiple nuclei, too. Molds, for example, are a type of fungus that have multinucleated cells.

Why do muscle cells have more than one nucleus?

This means that each muscle cell has more than one nucleus because it is really made of several combined cells. In addition, the muscle cells that make up your heart often have two or three nuclei. Although cardiac cells have fewer nuclei than skeletal muscle cells, they are still considered multinucleated.

Which is an example of a multinucleated cell?

Another example of multinucleated cells is osteoclasts, which are specialized derivatives of macrophages that degrade bone matrix. They form by fusion of mononucleated progenitors and can accumulate many nuclei in a single large cell.

Why is it important for a cell to have one nucleus?

It stores DNA, the genetic information that tells a cell how to live its life. The DNA can be considered the blueprint for making everything the cell needs to produce. The nucleus, therefore, is essential to a cell being alive. In biology class, we often hear that every cell in the human body has one nucleus with identical DNA.