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Which is the weak force?

Which is the weak force?

By Christine Sutton | View Edit History. weak interaction, also called weak force or weak nuclear force, a fundamental force of nature that underlies some forms of radioactivity, governs the decay of unstable subatomic particles such as mesons, and initiates the nuclear fusion reaction that fuels the Sun.

What is the strong and weak force?

The strong nuclear force pulled positively and negatively charged quarks together to form positively charged protons and neutrally charged neutrons. The strong nuclear force also binds protons and neutrons in the nucleus of atoms. The weak nuclear force enabled complex atoms to form through nuclear fusion.

What are the 4 weak forces?

Ordered from strongest to weakest, the forces are 1) the strong nuclear force, 2) the electromagnetic force, 3) the weak nuclear force, and 4) gravity. If you take two protons and hold them very close together, they will exert several forces on each other.

What is weak force short answer?

a force between elementary particles that causes certain processes that take place with low probability, as radioactive beta-decay and collisions between neutrinos and other particles. Also called weak interaction force .

How strong is the weak force?

The weak interaction has a very short effective range (around 10−17 to 10−16 m). At distances around 10−18 meters, the weak interaction has a strength of a similar magnitude to the electromagnetic force, but this starts to decrease exponentially with increasing distance.

Which of the following is weakest force in nature?

gravitational force
However, gravitational force is the weakest force in nature.

How does the weak force work?

The weak force is carried by the W and Z bosons. By emitting an electrically charged W boson, the weak force changes the flavor of a quark, which causes a proton to change into a neutron, or vice versa. This is what triggers nuclear fusion and causes stars to burn, according to CERN.

What do you need to know about the weak force?

The weak force is different from the other forces because: It is the only force that violates parity-symmetry (P). It is the only force that violates charge-parity symmetry (CP). It is the only interaction that can change one kind of quark into another or its flavor. The weak force is propagated by carrier particles that have significant masses (about 90 GeV/c).

What is the strongest and weakest force?

Actually, gravity is the weakest of the four fundamental forces. Ordered from strongest to weakest, the forces are 1) the strong nuclear force, 2) the electromagnetic force, 3) the weak nuclear force, and 4) gravity. Subsequently, question is, which is the strongest force?

What is the weakest natural force?

Gravitational force is the weakest force in nature. It acts between masses seperated by a certain distance.Strong force is the strongest force in nature. It is a nuclear interaction force.

What are 4 fundamental forces of nature?

The four fundamental forces of nature are the strong and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravity.