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What is circuit board computer?

What is circuit board computer?

Printed circuit board (PCB) in electronics explained A printed circuit board (PCB) is a board with circuits that connect electronic components together. PCB’s are used in computers and other electronic devices and are made of an electrically non-conductive material, usually fibreglass.

What are the main components of a system case?

The computer case is the metal and plastic box that contains the main components of the computer, including the motherboard, central processing unit (CPU), and power supply. The front of the case usually has an On/Off button and one or more optical drives.

Which is a circuit board?

A circuit board is a physical piece of technology that allows for the assembly of electrical or data circuits on a horizontal layer of material. Advances in circuit boards have led to new engineering and manufacturing methods for these types of devices.

What is a circuit board made of?

The substrate most commonly used in printed circuit boards is a glass fiber reinforced (fiberglass) epoxy resin with a copper foil bonded on to one or both sides. PCBs made from paper reinforced phenolic resin with a bonded copper foil are less expensive and are often used in household electrical devices.

Which is the main circuit board of a computer?

A motherboard or also know as system board, is the main circuit board of the system. THE SYSTEM UNIT A chip is a small piece of semi-conducting material, usually silicon, on which integrated circuits are etched.

What are the components of a system unit?

CH. 4 THE COMPONENTS OF THE SYSTEM UNIT By Valerie Williams THE SYSTEM UNIT System unit is case that has electronic components of the computer used to process data. A motherboard or also know as system board, is the main circuit board of the system.

Which is the main box of a computer?

Terms in this set (52) The main box of a computer that houses the CPU, motherboard, memory, and other devices. The main circuit board of a computer, located inside the system unit, to which all computer system components connect. A group of fast memory circuitry located on or near the CPU to help speed up processing.

Is the monitor part of the system unit?

If you are told to just bring your system unit, it is clear you only need to bring the computer itself. Some modern computers, such as the iMac, combine the system unit and monitor into a single device. In this case, the monitor is part of the system unit.